


10 months, 7 days ago


Laura Brehm
1:16 3:11

werdo | it/she | 16 | trans lesbian

Don't be fooled by its cutesy countenance, the Fawna is much more than meets the eye. With its long canines and sharpened claws, it is more than capable of putting up a fight; it'll even start one itself if it feels like it. The Fawna exhibits strange behaviors that remain unexplained, such as eating out of the garbage and tying loose threads around its horns. No one is quite sure why, but perhaps its mother had some influence on it.

Usually found in either Plant or Cold Island

  • Fleura
  • her girlfriend
  • eating trash
  • bright lights
  • being told what to do
  • you

silly feral defiant

Fawna loves to play and run around all silly. They like to chase things and beat up their toys. They're very rebellious, never wanting to do what others want them to do. They are also very capable of doing a violence. I mean seriously, they could tigerstar you with those claws.

At the end of the day, she is a very caring individual who loves her family and friends so much. She is actually really friendly most of the time, just a bit energetic and sillay is all.



Fawna has a purple body with a blue underbelly and white spots on its thighs. She has pink hooves, claws, teeth and paw pads. She has curly white mane-like fur on her neck, blue ears with holes and pink insides and pink-and-blue eyes. Her hair consists of pink feathers on the top of her head and blue vine-like things akin to those on Maggpi's head. It has horns similar to deer antlers, with pink yarn strung around it and her claws and teeth are abnormally large. Her tail is long and tufted at the tip.

It has literal trans flag patterns on its forearms, forelegs and tail. I'm not even joking. she is so transgender that she has 5 trans flags on her body, and I love that for her.

Important Notes
  • loosely based on a deer.
  • thigh spots are optional.
  • the right (her right) side of her vine-like hair is cut short.

Fawna's past...

Fawna was born to Parlsona and Maggpi, alongside Fleura, and lived a relatively comfortable life. The two sisters grew up together, forming a close bond with one another. As their bio implies, Maggpi's feral nature quickly rubbed off on Fawna, causing their rambunctious behavior. They were introduced to many monsters in their youth, such as their cousins Paxton and Stellerjae and their friend Smiley Dawn. Fawna quickly befriended these monsters, and they still get along to this day.

Sometime during their tween years, Fawna met a werdo named Kessondria. Kess was a bit cold and distant at first, but the two slowly began to get along and become friends. Their bond slowly started to get stronger and stronger, and eventually the two started to gain feelings for each other. Very recently, they asked each other out, and the two began dating.

the people Fawna knows...


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.



Fawna highly values her twin sister, more than you could ever imagine. She would choose them over anyone, including Kess and even her own mothers. They've had a close bond since birth, and will often be seen playing very funny together.



Fawna gets along well with her cousin. The two have a close, sibling-like bond with one another, and they often get into mischief.



Fawna adores Kess in a way no other monster could. They first met many years ago in the depths of Cold Island, and slowly became friends. This feeling of friendship slowly turned into romance, and the two started dating. They don't see each other all the time, considering Kessondria's status as a wanderer, but they value the time they do spend together and cherish it as much as they can.



They mostly know each other because they and Stellerjae are friends. They arent super duper close with each other but they are friendship.



Due to them having a 7 year age gap, they aren't connected the same way they would be with anyone else. They're friends the same way your much older brother is your friend, if that makes sense.