


1 year, 1 month ago


A tailor and designer for meths heads. Literally, a white collar silver spoon iron sleeve who creates artisan pieces from specifically humam leather. Due to his unique creations his work are often on the borderline of law and order. Legally he obtained leather from a morgue or permission from a passing person. 

With a single glance he is able to determine the fit of the person from the way they walk, to the way they talk. As a human his appearance was never so grand so remarkably he spent much of his time in the more artistic side of things till the discovery of sleeves, being one of protectorates first enthusiastic meth cilents for their stolen sleeve tech. He was finally able to walk the world without too much side eye. Brandishing himself as an extraordinary being physically and artistically.

A stubborn but talented tailor. He would hate to see needless destruction to his creations through childs play. He would be somewhat understanding if those creations were damaged at ones life. Sometimes. He can be reluctant to give some repairs. Although might strike a deal. he is an iron sleeve. Though visually.. there might be more leather then iron at times.