


10 months, 3 days ago



The rogue of the group. Never has she faced a lock she can't pick or a  trap she can't disarm. Perhaps it's a big career jump to go from a  violinist to a professional thief, but Raindrop has taken that leap in  stride.

Raindrop is probably the most social of the group. Her teasing doesn't  come off as rude like it might with Tango, and she's the first one to  crack a joke if the group feels down. Occasionally her laid-back  attitude can make it seem like she's not taking things seriously, but  she doesn't see it that way; for her, humor is the best way to defuse a  tense situation and to much seriousness can be overbearing to her. She  choose the name "raindrop" based on what her violin teacher used to say  about her: she's fine in small amounts, but anymore of her could cause a  disaster.

She has feelings for Skunk. The two get along well; Skunks down to earth  personally helps tether down Raindrop, and Raindrops brightness helps  bring Skunk out of her shell. However, she fears the seriousness that  comes with a long term relationship, so doesn't take things further than  light flirting and teasing (they do get together after being stupid for  a while).