


9 months, 16 days ago


Best friend to Lazarus and Nimbus. Rival, sparring, and sass / snark partner to Rochefort.

Captain and Ace of Midnight Clouds, the 1st established volleyball team.

His mount is a large male beauceron dog named Aster who often carries his saddlebag full of herbs that he collects for the others and his shield on his back, right leg. Aster has very interesting claws, allowing him to cut through stone and steel, and perform magical attacks.

His body is aged copper, the scars on his face attained from battle, but they were filled with silver. He possesses another sword for duel wielding purposes, though he can just as easily rely on his shield, and a bow with frost tipped arrows. The air around him is frigid, meaning he doesn't require ice cubes to keep his drinks cold, and the roses in his head are ice rimed as such. As are the ones entangled around Aster's collar, even his armor, and body. And no, the frozen blood on Aster's collar is not just for show, as the petals of his roses are just as deadly as their thorns when sealed in ice.

His personal symbols are blue roses, cob webs, and ice.

The tea he serves is made for battle. It can heal grievous wounds, enhance strength, and give great speed. Not only that, it gives one power over shadows, softening tread, and offering mysticism. However, those that experience the effects of Knox's power have numbed emotions (often allowing the user to commit atrocities without batting a lash), and are at risk of losing themselves to the darkness. They also suffer an aversion to the light.

Original post:

Original note: This is an old custom, the owner would like me to upload the files on TH.

I bought him for 200$? I think? Maybe 250$ because he came with a mount too? I can't remember, yet I do know, and still believe he was worth every penny.

Inspiration: His "head" is a goblet, the discolored green is actually aged copper, and he does have a scar down the front of his face. A lot of his aesthetic was Dark Souls/Bloodborne/FromSoftware-in-general inspired.