Bec (homestuck)



1 year, 1 month ago


Becrel Bersek


Name Becrel Bersek
Called Beck,Bec
Age 8.8 sweeps (~19 yrs)
pronouns she/her
species troll
weapon Retractable Clawed gloves
handle aggrevatedAnarchist
Theme Song link


  • Aggressive
  • Rude
  • Irritable


  • Girls
  • Beanies
  • Sharp objects

beck presents herself as a strong confident person. She’s loud, tall, and commanding. Of course this is all to hide that she’s deeply insecure and afraid on the inside. In reality, Beck is a short tempered person who hates social interactions and any sort of distractions. Beck will not be afraid to fight anyone to survive even going against an ally. But while beck can and will fight, she can be cautious about whose she threatens and who she could command around to guarantee her survival. She carry’s herself with confidence, expressing a lot of openness, she usually acts in a way to make herself look and feel larger. She expresses this through clothing too. While she dresses to hide her lime blood traits like beanies and baggy sweaters and pants, they also make her look bigger than she is. She doesn’t like strangers, she’s snarky and rude and unwelcoming.


"be aggressive, B-E aggressive, B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E"


Taken when she was a wiggler, Beck was experimented on for years by an indigo blooded troll. She underwent many surgeries and procedures, some in which her body was made to have abilities that other blood castes would normally have. The only successful experiments was the inhuman strength of indigo bloods and slight psionics from gold bloods. While she was in the lab she bonded with another experiment, which became her lusus. One day, Beck realized the scientist hadn’t come back in a while, this was because they had been sent to orbit. Beck took the chance and escaped with her now lusus.

Once she was out Beck came to the realization she had to hide her true identity, and so she “took over” the LEUS sign (Hiveswap extended Zodiac), hiding her true sign CANIBORN, (hiveswap extended zodiac). Now she is extremely self sufficient, skilled at fighting and builds her own weapons, she hunts for her own food and takes care of her lusus, who taught her how to hunt


Beck is an incredibly skilled hunter. She is also skilled at weapon making, often making money on custom weapons. Her natural blood talent lets her be able to calm down other trolls however she herself isn’t very calm so it would be in vain. Due to the indigo blood enhancements, Beck has incredible strength, to unbelievable degrees. The gold blood enhancements have granted Beck some abilities like being able to use slight telekinesis but she doesn’t use these as it is genuinely painful for her. She’s got incredibly good hearing because of her dog ears and fast reflexes.


  • Beck hates British accents, they make her mad
  • Beck shaves her left horn to appear more like her new sign, LEUS
  • Beck owns an impressive collection of 3 whole beanies used to hide her dog ears, her outfits are carefully picked out to hide her tail and body, incase she bleeds
  • All jokes aside Beck actually collects accessories like chains and pins to put on her pants, sweaters, or beanie, just for a pop of personality
  • Beck is extremely paranoid of being outed as a lime blood, taking matters into her own hands when she realizes that someone may suspect she’s a limey



??? [ ♡ ]



Spectr [ ♢ ]

Beck and Spec are best friends, Spec is one of the only people that Beck has truly trusted, just not with her secret, but if anything were to happen to beck, spec would be the first to know


??? [ ♤ ]
