
9 months, 22 days ago


Name: Cateye

Gender: Female

Species: Sandwing

Abilities: Partial Spirit Sight (unable to speak to ghosts, must concentrate to be able to see them)


Takes the phrase "talk shit, get hit" very much to heart. If you're a decent person she's generally pleasant but she can come off as a little disinterested or cold. Prefers to stick to the rules and takes promises very seriously. Very loyal but slow to trust.

Physical Appearance 

Cateye scales are mostly a warm golden color. Her eyes are the normal Sandwing black and she has the normal sandwing barbed tail. She has broad shoulders and a sturdy build. She wears a woven leather bracelet on her front left leg.


Cateye grew up in an oasis on the outskirts of the Sand Kingdom. Her father was killed in a battle before she ever hatched and her mother passed away from illness when Cateye was very young. Cateye was mostly raised by her maternal grandparents. 

Cateye spent the majority of her life in the same place she was born it. Her grandparents own and run their own store and Cateye would often help out there when able to. Cateye usually acted as a delivery or messenger dragon for her grandparents when she wasn't helping man the counter.

After meeting and discovering Silverclaw's secret, Cateye began spending quite a lot of time with the Nightwing. At first she told herself it was just so she could keep an eye on the Nightwing but somewhere along the line that initial suspicion turned into a genuine friendship. When Silverclaw left the oasis to search for Hopebringer and the rest of the Nightwing Rebellion Cateye went with her and quickly got herself entangled in what should have been Nightwing tribe problems.

Extra Info 

- HATES bananas with a passion. Considers them to be the worst fruit ever and absolutely refuses to eat them. 

- She's bigger than Silverclaw and tends to just shove Silverclaw behind her or try to physically shield her when the two of them run into danger.

- In fights she often uses her sturdy build to her advantage, charging and ramming into her opponents as well as going after them with her poisonous tail.