


9 months, 21 days ago


Name: Silverclaw

Gender: Female

Species: Nightwing 

Family: Deadlyclaws (father), Braveheart (brother)

Abilities: Animus Magic, Spirit Sight (via an animus enchanted object)

Active Enchantments

Enchanted Earring: An earring enchanted so that it makes wearer's appearance look different to everyone who sees them. However, if a dragon discovers that they are being tricked or that the earring is enchanted the enchantment will fail and Silverclaw's real appearance will be revealed.

Enchanted Fulgurite Pendent: A pendent made out of an enchanted fulgurite that gives the wearer Spirit Sight. Silverclaw first found the fulgurite in the Sandwing Kingdom the same day her brother dies. She carried the fulgurite with her unenchanted for a time. After learning about how some dragons possess Spirit Sight, an ability that allows a dragon to see ghosts Silverclaw used her animus powers to to enchant the fulgurite to allow her to see ghosts when she touched it. Later, after Silverclaw met Cateye, Cateye made the fulgurite into a pendent for Silverclaw to wear, essentially giving her 24/7 Spirit Sight due to her almost always touching the pendent in some way. The pendent often rest near her heart.

Silverclaw hatched in the middle of a total solar eclipse, her first glimpse of the world being shrouded in utter darkness that gave way to blinding light. Silverclaw's mother died soon after Silverclaw and her brother's hatching so she grew up with her father Deadlyclaws as her only parent. 

Deadlyclaws was not a good parent and happily offered up his children for Shadowbringer's army. Silverclaw and her brother were both trained as assassins from a young age and it was through that training that they met Fateseer. 

Silverclaw tried her best to look out for Fateseer, often feeling angry about how Fateseer was even younger than her and Braveheart and yet still being trained as a soldier.

Silverclaw was good at fighting. She was never as strong as her brother or even Fateseer but she was quick and agile with a sharp mind. She was well aware that she would usually lose in battles of brute strength and adjusted her battle tactics accordingly.

Silverclaw found out she possessed animus powers by accident after she enchanted a bird to attack a fellow dragonet and later enchanted several inanimate objects to move and float in secret in order to see if the bird had just been a fluke. Silverclaw's father's father had been an animus and had gone insane after using his powers to aid Shadowbringer in her fight against Cometchaser. Silverclaw and Braveheart both grew up hearing their father speak of what a powerful dragon their grandfather had been and the two of them were actually both tested for animus magic at the age of two. Silverclaw didn't even try during the test, terrified of what would happen to her if she did turn out to be an animus but Braveheart tried and failed the test.

During a battle in the Sand Kingdom Braveheart was killed and Silverclaw shattered. Silverclaw enchanted a bracelet her brother wore to hid his body from the eyes of other's and fled. A day later Silverclaw returned and buried her brother properly.

Silverclaw did not return to the Night Kingdom after Braveheart death and was labeled a deserter. Her name and face were added to a list of dragons deemed kill on sight and Silverclaw was forced into hiding. She enchanted an earring to hide her appearance and hid out in the Kingdom of the Sand. 

Some time after Braveheart's death Silverclaw met Cateye, a Sandwing who possessed some Spirt Sight, the ability inherited from her mother. Cateye is unable to speak to ghosts and has to concentrate in order to see them but she was able to see Braveheart ghost, clearly a Nightwing who looked obviously out of place hovering around what looked like another Sandwing. Cateye ended up learning the truth about Silverclaw after spying on her and witnessing her take off her enchanted earring, at which point Cateye immediately rushed the Nightwing as the relationship between their tribes was not a good one. After some initial tension and a lot of explain on Silverclaw's part the two dragonets actually became friends and Silverclaw stayed with Cateye's family for a time. 

When word that things in the Nightwing Tribe had been growing even worse during Silverclaw's absence reached the Kingdom of the Sand Silverclaw made the decision to search for Hopebringer and the remaining rebels. Cateye ended up accompanying her and together the two dragonets became very involved in the Nightwing Rebellion very quickly.

Extra Info

- She was named after the silver scales and talons she has on her front right foot

- The first ghost she saw after giving herself a mimicry of Spirt Sight was her brother Braveheart, who had stayed beside her even after his death. 

- Braveheart is the only ghost Silverclaw has ever been able to hear speak and even with him it's often only one to two words at a time, a drawback of her not having real Spirit Sight.