


9 months, 29 days ago


!!Bio in the Works, Subject to Change!!

Fury - She/Them/It
Fury, as is traditionally to her people, took on a name gifted to her. Unlike most of her kin though, this name was actually a gift and not an insult. Her name was picked out by Professor Burnaby, a lagomorph scientist who has made it his life's work to study and understand the Hollow (or Vessel, as they call themselves) and spread this knowledge to the rest of the galactic federation.

Life for Fury before meeting Burnaby was not kind. She was one of the few colonies to remain on her planet, fighting back against the corporate powers trying to take it by force. Her shell was badly damaged in the years she spent fighting though, as were her wings. Leaving her a broken, grounded colony at the mercy of her planets predators. She was amoung the very few lucky enough to be found and rescued by the freedom fighter zealots who has joined the fighting (in unhelpful ways), but the entire incident left her bitter and untrusting of outsiders.
Burnaby was one of the very few genuinely curious and kind to show up in the aftermath, finding Fury in one of the reservations left for her people. Initially Burnaby just wanted any of the Hollow to speak with him, trying desperately to learn about their possibly dying culture and mysterious biological workings. Fury was the first to lose patience with him intruding however, and despite her much smaller stature, promptly and swiftly beat him to a pulp.
She was more then surprised when he still came back the next day, and spent a week trying and failing to drive him away. It was only when she finally relented and listened to what he had to say that she started to grow curious about him. He wasn't like other off worlders, or like the freedom fighters. He honestly and truly just wanted to know about their cultures and that fascinated her.
Nearly a year later and she considered him a close and very dear friend, and her name was given. A word that caries great emotions, both irrational and justified. She feels that it fits her well, and they're both now working together to preserve and spread the knowledge of her people so it will never be forgotten. And perhaps, maybe even through that, they might be saved.