


6 years, 10 days ago


pirate of the sors light -

gender - female

Sorse is an unconventional pirate, not the captain, not a sailor, but she is the figure head at the front of the ship

She is actually a god of fortune and luck, scorned for he greed she fled the heavens and rose to the mortal realm where she found beings who she could persuade into falling into a greed that would fraction hers yet consume them. She makes pacts with captains, man her boat and she will guide you to all the favor anyone could want, but in the end, she will win your heart and your life. It's become ritual on the ship, when one captain is finally of age and of riches he happily goes with her to the final sea he will ever sail, though the crew believes she eats him, or kills him, or drowns him, but she has instead a small island where she keeps her riches, and grants each of her captain immortality and they are to never leave her hidden island ever again, to become hers to have permanently. She is possessive of her captains like a jealous lover, and her crew, like a master to its pets. she can change her appearance from human, to metals, her features are set however, so she may walk amongst the crew appearing similar to them, although still holding an unearthly extraterrestrial flow as if the air reacted to her like water. she will mainly be found as the figure head, though she thoroughly enjoys during battles to slowly move so no one would notice until the enemy is frightened as the fair golden maiden has slowly turned towards them looking with blank metallic dead eyes. the form she refuses to take is her godly form, she only wears this form in the heavens where she has forbade herself from returning to.