


10 months, 2 days ago


NAME Frecklesky
AGE 29 Moons
RANK Caretaker
GENDER Pangender
SEXUALITY Androsexual
MENTOR Sandcall
APPRENTICE Valerianpaw
Mate N/A
THEME Speak Out


"It's never enough, never enough, when the words just don't add up."

fair | insightful | non-confrontational

family-oriented | hard-working | softhearted

gullible | reactive | vulnerable


A creamish brown marble tabby with warm amber eyes and freckles spattering their cheeks.

They stand with a medium build, not particularly bulky or lean instead falling somewhere in the inbetween. Her form is decorated with well-groomed medium length fur that has a wispy quality to it. Further, characterizing her appearance is her high white spotting, which covers most of his pelt. However, perhaps his most recognizable feature is the freckles scattering all over his face giving him his namesake.


Frecklekit was born to Sandcall and Galethorn in a litter of three alongside her brother Owlkit and sister Sweetkit. Throughout their kithood all three siblings got along rather well, but that would soon change sometime after they became apprentices. Although the rift that began between them was more accurately formed around Sweetpaw and Owlpaw, it still affected Frecklepaw all the same as she was forced to watch the two of them grow distant.

While Frecklepaw started her training under Sandcall as a caretaker’s apprentice, both of her siblings chose the path of becoming warriors and were assigned two very different mentors as a result. Whereas Sweetpaw was assigned Hensnarl who chose less work heavy methods such as sightseeing, Owlpaw was given to Gorsestar who was more conventional in her teaching and let Owlpaw’s more hardworking nature flourish under her supervision.

This would lead to conflict between them as Sweetpaw felt like Owlpaw worked too much, and was all work no play whereas Owlpaw had the opposite problem with Sweetpaw. Both views Frecklepaw could understand as even they felt the toll of Owlpaw becoming more distant with them due to his hardworking nature slowly making him into a workaholic.

However, she could also agree that Sweetpaw lacked discipline, and didn’t seem to realize that too much fun was as bad as too little. Thus, she often served as a mediator between the two. Not that it helped all that much as Sweetpaw seemed to not care much with her feelings already hurt by Owlpaw’s aloof nature, and Owlpaw seeming to care more about being a warrior than their withering relationship.

Seeing them continue to grow more distant made Frecklepaw worry over whether she had chosen the right path as a caretaker. If she couldn’t even help mend her relationship with her siblings and theirs how could she possibly take care of others? It was something she kept to herself, deciding her siblings had their own problems to deal with. Although she did confide to Sandcall about it on several occasions in which her mother would lend an ear. There times helped her accept that it wasn’t her fault either relationship was failing even if she did still get hung up on it sometimes.

Her mother would also be the first cat to learn of her doubts towards her gender. Frecklepaw admitted that while she didn’t have a problem with being a molly, it still felt like something was missing. Sandcall was of course supportive through this time as a mother and mentor, and through her support Frecklepaw was able to embrace all sides of his identity. Allowing him to focus more fully on his training. In which, he earned the name Frecklesky proudly.


Sandcall [ mother ]

"Words can’t describe how much I miss her. She was a mother, mentor, and friend to me. I was never afraid to confide in her, and she would never judge me even when I felt ashamed of the things I admitted to her. So, I try to remember she wouldn’t want me to blame myself for her death. Still it’s hard not to think that I could have done more, may she rest peacefully in the stars. She was a great molly."

Galestar [ father ]

"These days it’s hard to look at him. I don’t blame him for what happened, I just hate seeing the way mother’s death clearly weighs on him. I wish he would be given time to grieve, but with Lilygorse stepping down I fear his duties and grief will drive him into an early grave. Still I’ll try to be there for him as much as I can as it is my duty as his family and caretaker."

Sweetsnap [ sister ]

"Things have definitely changed, but Sweetsnap is still Sweetsnap. I admire how she can stay so strong after everything, and seeing her keep going, gives me strength to carry on and persevere. I know I’m not alone as long as I have her as my sister, and I hope she knows she can depend on me to be there for her as well. "

Owlthistle [ brother ]

"He’s gone too now. I wished I could have said we were able to reform the same strong bond we had as kits before he died, but the truth is… we never did. And now the ‘what if’s’ hang heavy in my mind. I can’t help but wonder if he knew how much I loved him… I guess I won’t know until I see him again, but for now I just hope he and mother were able to find each other in StarClan."

Dunekit [ brother ]

"He looks a lot like Sandcall… it’s nice to see a part of her lived on, but sometimes I find myself looking at him as more of a replacement for her than his own cat. It’s not fair to him I know so I try to stop the thought whenever it pops up, but I can still feel it in the back of my mind. Still he’s my little brother so of course I love him. I’ll be there to make sure he grows up into a fine tom, not that he’ll need much help!"

Fawnkit [ brother ]

"Oh my I’ll have quite my paws full with you around, won’t I? I don’t mind though, you remind me of Sweetsnap in that way! Although on second thought, maybe I should just let her try and keep up with you instead, hmm? Give her a taste of her own medicine, but then again I’m afraid you two might get on a little too well. I can’t have you turning against me then I’ll only have Dunekit by my side."

Valerianpaw [ apprentice ]

"I couldn’t have asked for a better apprentice! Valerianpaw is already making great strides in becoming a great caretaker. If I’m being honest she’s quite a natural at it! I barely have to teach her anything at all. She’s a sweet little molly no doubt about it. I look forward to continuing to teach and learn from her. Who knows she might be an even better caretaker than me someday! "


  • His voice claim is Haruhi from Ouran Host Club
  • Frecklesky earned her suffix due to their uplifting and calming presence.
  • They've never had a crush on anyone despite figuring out his sexuality soon after becoming a full fledged caretaker.