Andronikos ([Anathema])



9 months, 25 days ago


  • Andronikos

  • pronouns He/Him
  • species Bovine
  • occupation Faline Soldier
  • Age 40
  • height 12 HH

“out of the rain, into the ocean”

Andronikos is a tender soul, weathered by the cruelty of the world around him and willing to offer his heart to it nonetheless. Gentle by nature and wary by necessity, he cherishes the family he has left, for no other will ever understand him half as well.

This box has no minimum word count.


Andronikos wears his heart on his sleeve, empathetic and gentle to those around him. Although sensitive and soft-spoken, he has a heart of gold and cannot resist butting into situations he feels are rife with injustice. This..has definitely gotten him into trouble more than once, especially since his judgment tends to be a little off. He is a hard worker, throwing his heart and soul into anything he does, but family comes first. He will drop anything and everything should his brother need him, and considers him not just family but a lifelong friend.

He is also a hopeless romantic, often developing fleeting puppy crushes on those who show him the slightest amount of kindness- a side effect of his appearance, more than likely. In addition, he is naively optimistic and painfully forgiving when it comes to those who mistreat him.

[Word Count: 142]


  • Born into a set of twins. The larger of the two, Athanasios, was healthy, the other…not so much. Covered in benign tumors and blind in one eye as a result of the weight.
  • He was given to an orphanage when he was old enough to remember his brother and mother, but not old enough to remember why. He remembers her tear-streaked face but little else.
  • As it turns out, his frailty and tumors worried his mother, and she decided she was unable to care for both him and his brother.
  • He grew up largely isolated due to his appearance.
  • He was never adopted, but instead enlisted as a soldier at 18 and found himself proficient in it- and as a bonus, largely unjudged for the way he looked
  • He also met his brother again around this time, immediately became attached to him and often worries for his safety while he’s out at sea
  • He looked into various magical means to remove his tumors, but found they would cause him more harm than good in the long run and decided to forgo any procedures
  • [Word Count: 183]

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