


8 years, 6 months ago


If you're unlucky, this CCCat will bestow it's presence unto your life. They say that witnessing this CCCat inflicts massive paranoia onto the viewer, and some even say it drives people mad. While visually stunning, this CCCat is truly feared. The paranoia some feel claim that the CCCat stands above them at all times, never letting their presence leave the shining gaze of the eye it holds. Others say the glistening feathers lull you into a sleep that lasts forever and begin to never sleep due to fear of never waking up. Other stories are far less enjoyable, saying it can lure you to it with mimicry of a voice of a loved one, swooping down to collect the poor soul who ventures out after falling for it's devious tricks. The people who hear of this CCCat sometimes wish to encounter it, purely for the sake of trying to grasp the understanding of the fear that follows people, however those who have ventured out to do so have never returned.


> Wings (Super myth!!)
> Feathers (Myth mutation)
> Bird feet (Myth)
> Scales {on birdie feets} (Myth mutation)
> Glowing markings{in this case, feathers} (Rare)
> Patternless tongue (rare)
> Glowing, Pupil-less eye (uncommon)
> Omen sight (uncommon)