
Name: Yui Shiotani
Age: 17 (Tales of Virtual Shopkeeper), 19 (Re:Tale)
Gender: Female
Blood-type: A+
Likes: Utopia Online, stories, friendly customers, money, Utopian food, the color green, sexual comedies, big muscles, large buttocks and breasts, her father, Nagisa Mul
Dislikes: The beach, impolite customers, schoolwork, fruits and vegetables (except strawberries), the color orange, crime, her mother, Watashi

The main protagonist of my webnovel Tales of Virtual Shopkeeper (as well as its sequel, Re:Tale).
An ordinary highschool-girl (Tales of Virtual Shopkeeper) / college student (Re:Tale), Yui spends most of her freetime playing Utopia Online - the world's most advanced VRMMO RPG. Her in-game avatar is a Shopkeeper named Yuu Watanabe.