


8 months, 18 days ago


Meadow loves flowers and is a florist. She gardens in her spare time, but her passion is arranging flowers. She absolutely loves making bouquets and flower crowns or flowers based decorations and jewellery. She has a pet cat named Priscilla who loves 'helping her arrange flowers (but because she is a cat, she makes a huge mess and still thinks that she has done exceptionally well - and that she is the best flower arranger to ever walk the earth.) 

Meadow is a very kind dragon but is also extremely shy. She does not like crowds and hates it when her shop is busy - even though busy days keep her shop open. However, she is extremely friendly when around people she knows very well and feels comfortable with.  

She loves cats!! While technically Priscilla is her only pet, Meadow often puts food out for stray cats and let's them stay in her shop (as long as they don't make a mess). When she is not working, she is almost always seen with a cat or covered head to toe in cat or flower based accessories she made herself.