Control the Coyote



9 months, 29 days ago


This guy right here is a coyote hired by Dr. Eggman to keep an eye on Crystal the Hedgehog, his experiment made in an attempt to create a being that can clone chaos emeralds. Control's job is to keep her out of trouble while she goes outside, but sometimes that can't be helped with Crystal's overly-curious behavior.

Control's gloves and shoes were made by Robotnik, himself, and were part of the payment alongside money. Even despite receiving payment, Control is starting to feel that maybe Crystal is happier out here with the heroes and civilians than she is in the Eggman Empire.

He's contemplated betraying Eggman in secret, but he hasn't tested those waters, yet.

He's grown to be Crystal's best friend over time, and now he cares more about her than the money.

FUN FACT! He has that charisma and perception, but he does not have that speed or strength, LOL. Rip, his fighting skills. No wonder he got shoes and gloves made for him by Eggman.

Thanks to his gloves and shoes, he can control the wind! Sorta... He's still trying to figure out how they work.