Lightspeed The Hedgehog



10 months, 9 days ago

Basic Info


My sonic ocs are based on existing sonic oc stereotypes. Lightspeed is based on the sonic oc stereotype of a sonic oc that is in some way related to sonic and/or is faster than sonic.


Lore is always subject to change so yeah don't take this as concrete.


Full Name : Julian “Lightspeed” Ramirez

Age : 17

Pronouns : - He/him

 Species : - Mobian

  • Hedgehog

 Gender : - Cisgender Male

Sexuality : - Gay

  • Demisexual
  • Demiromantic



He can come across as arrogant and disrespectful towards people he doesn't know or likes, often making rude or smug remarks. This can be a defensive mechanism, such as defending his friends when people make fun of them, but it can also be him just being a dick.

When he's with his friends, especially Acacia, he is more laid back. He still comes across as smug, but that's just part of his natural personality. He becomes more light-hearted and less hateful towards the world. 

He mainly shows affection through jokes or such, effectively hiding it behind a shield of irony, but he is not afraid to get serious when it is appropriate. If something bad happens to Neon or Acacia he knows what to do or how to act, and is deep down really caring towards them. He usually takes his friends suffering more seriously than his own, and when he is in pain he usually just jokes about it.



He is a parody of generic sonic’s long-lost-brother half-brother ocs, so one of sonic's parents was involved in his conception, but it doesn't really matter because he was abandoned.

He was raised mainly by the town he grew up in, none of them really knowing where he came from or caring to find out, but people did make sure he was well fed and went to school. His primary caretaker was a tired young woman who had always taken him to the hospital and let him live with her.

When he was a kid he was at the hospital a lot. He was mainly there for speed related injuries, due to his overwhelming speed. He was bored and alone, the only people he could really talk to being the doctors or nurses. It put him down, having to go through this same routine almost everyday.

The doctors in the hospital told him he would be there so much if he was more careful, but he couldn't just stop running! It was what made him feel alive, though the doctors said if he kept up he wouldn't be alive any longer. Well if life was going to be boring he didn't want it, he just wanted to have fun.

He felt like he had no one to talk to. The doctors found him rude or disrespectful and the nurses found him annoying. Well, one of them was nice, but that's besides the point. He was trying to entertain himself by counting all the ceiling tiles, when someone came in the room, a small boy sobbing and hyperventilating.

Curious of what was wrong, he asked the boy “Hey! Are you ok?” The boy looked panicked at this response. “Are you sad?” He asked this time. The boy took some time before he nodded. He noticed the lack of words coming out of the boys mouth, and decided to ask “Can you talk?”

The boy looked down and solemnly shook his head. “Well, that's ok! We can be friends!” His heart jumped at the idea of a friend, visible on his heart monitor. Someone of his age to actually talk to! He'd never had that before! 

“Well,, I don't really have friends, theres a lady here who's nice to me, and the other lady who always brings me here is nice, but I hate it here. It's always loud and sticky. The white coat men always tell me to stop running and I will not be here anymore but they cant tell me what to do! I-” He started to ramble on and on, and the boy listened! He was stunned at how he didn't seem annoyed by him, the doctors and nurses always told him to shut it and to stop being disrespectful, but this boy seemed almost soothed. Maybe he'd never had a friend either.

He was just going on about his name, and asked the boy what was his, but he realised, “Ooooooooh I forgot you cant talk.. Sorry!” he was about to go on again, when a man he recognised as a doctor burst into the room and immediately started scolding the boy. He wanted to defend the boy, but he was lost in a train of thought. If he's talking to him like that then.. that must be his dad, and if he brought him with him then maybe I can see him again! I don't think he lives within to-

“Acacia”, a very faint voice interrupted his thoughts. 

He was stunned to hear the boy talk. 

“What did you say?” The boy's father said sternly, surprised.

“Acacia. M-my name..” The boy almost choked out.

“You talked! You can talk!! Maybe you can talk to me later!!”

“Ma-maybe,” The boy responded as he was ushered out of the room by his father.

He stared in awe as they left the room. Acacia he thought, putting a name to the boy. His first friend. He smiled to himself and thought about the encounter, hoping to meet Acacia again soon.

He talked to Acacia almost daily, never separating from him when they went to school together, and prioritising talking to and being friends with him even after getting a girlfriend (which annoyed her, of course). Lightspeed became more annoying and brash with time, but remained caring towards Acacia, even if he intentionally annoys him from time to time.

He found Neon while exploring in the forest, poking around in abandoned houses and buildings. They became friends and let Neon live in his and Acacia's hangout spot, an old cabin Acacia's brother had renovated for them to chill in.

At some point, he was forced to leave school due to lack of legal documents as the town became more ‘professional’ and mainstream, no one investigating him because he had always been there. And by the time the issue was fixed he didn't want to go back to school anyways.

He's currently living in the old hangout spot with Neon, wishing Acacia could join them, but unfortunately it is not that simple.



  • Acacia
  • Neon
  • Joking
  • Physical contact
  • Running
  • The forest
  • Trees
  • Nature



  • Being away from Acacia
  • Reading
  • Maths
  • His ex girlfriends
  • Being alone
  • Being at the hospital



  • Commitment
  • His friends leaving him



  • Lightspeed is a name he gave himself as he doesn't know his birth name
  • he's faster than sonic, but not by a lot. his name is hyperbole
  • his injuries are mainly from not looking where he's going or speeding
  • he's an ESTP-A
  • He's very secure in his masculinity, unlike Acacia
  • he claims to be straight but he's definitely gay
  • he's may have undiagnosed ADHD and/or autism
  • Very flirtatious dude despite being aroace-spec
  • Most of his scars are from speed related injuries
  • He thinks his scars are badass
  • His favourite colour is red