Imp (Mermaid AU)



(WIP) Mermaid AU - her Mermaid AU Design was made by SketchyCC

Just like her Canon Version, Mermaid Imp is very friendly, carefree, (almost always) excited, and wants to be friends with everyone. She just wants to have fun! She really loves exploring - be it in underwater caves, sunken ships or coral reefs! She is also very interested in humans and what they're getting up to, so she tends to venture closer to shore occasionally!
On one of these occasions she will eventually meet Serake, who is a sailor in this AU :3 (he sadly doesn't have a sailor design yet though, and this is as much thought as we've put into this AU so far haha)

- exploring
- humans and other land-dwelling beings
- objects and fish that give off light
- looking at the stars and the moon at night

- jellyfish