Tannon Solomon



9 months, 11 days ago



This character's story features themes and mentions of ableism from a parental figure.
Tannon Disgrace of Solomon

Name Tannon Solomon
Age 17
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Race Human, Keeper
Element Destruction

Tannon has Sturge-Weber Syndrome (type 1); he deals with epilepsy, migraines, occassional black outs, episodes of muscle weakness, and a developing case of glaucoma. He also has some miscellaneous neurodivergence and learning/developmental disibilities that go hand in hand with his condition (primarily attention and motor function difficulties when he was younger). His older sister Huette was one of the few who gave him the patience and empathy he needed while growing up. He's grateful for his sister being there, but he also can't help but feel bitterness knowing that it was at least half out of pity. There's nothing Tannon can't stand more then hypocrites and pretentiousness; and unfortunately, Huette can have tendencies of both as far as he's concerned.

After being disowned by his mother, Tannon's whereabouts become unknown to the rest of the family, which has always concerned his sister who feels guilty for not being able to be there for him. When Huette finally does find Tannon, its of him running his own sewer gang of scrappy yet loyal misfits. And no, he doesn't want to go join her on her quest.


Huette Solomon

Older Sister ⯁ Fellow Keeper

Out of all of his family, Huette is the only one who had any amount of closeness to Tannon. She also kinda gets on Tannon's nerves after a while.

Cort Solomon

Younger Brother ⯁ Fellow Keeper

They never interacted much, their mother mostly kept them apart. Tannon honestly worries about him, considering how intense their mother can be.

Jescha (Luest) Solomon

Mother ⯁ Disowned (it's mutual)

Very strained relationship. Jescha never had any patience or understanding for her oldest son. Deeming him a failure, she disowned him at 15. Likewise, Tannon has no use for her either.


Guardian ⯁ Reluctant Partners

Tannon thinks he's an annoying jerk who complains too much.

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