Donquixote Rena



10 months, 3 days ago



Rena was only just born in Marineford when her father, Rosinante, was  sent on a mission to track and stop Doflamingo. She doesn't remember  much of him... gifts sent on birthdays, a voice on a transponder  snail... and the hole his murder left in their family. After his death,  Rena was made to take her mother's name and join the marines; All an  effort to keep their connection to the Donquixote bloodline hidden from  Doflamingo, lest he decide to do something about it. Now going by the  name Vulpes Rena, she trained under her adoptive grandfather Sengoku. At  some point, she was gifted the rediscovered Calm Calm fruit, inheriting  her late father's powers. However, much to her frustration, neither her  mother nor grandfather would divulge much information on Rosinante or  his passing to her- aside that it was the fault of the notorious pirate  Doflamingo. What she did manage to uncover, though, was her father  through away his mission to help a young, sick boy. If she could just  find that boy... 


As a marine,  Rena was expected to stay behind to defend Marineford and ensure Ace's  execution was carried to completion.... despite her feelings on the  matter. Trafalgar Law's sudden appearance near the battles end intrigued  her, recognizing the name from some stories of her father's before his  passing. Determined to find him, she approached Shanks before his  departure and petitioned him to take her as far as the next island in  return for working on his ship and all the berries in her possession.  Always willing to see just what this new generation of pirates is  capable of, Shanks agreed to help her escape her Marine duties... and  thus her journey as a pirate began.

Rena spent some time on her  own, a missing poster appearing soon after her departure. She had to  dodge hunters seeking the reward money and pirates seeking revenge for  the marines' actions both. Eventually, her and the Heart Pirate's paths  crossed. She pled her case to Law, and as a last resort to gain his  favor used her devil fruit power to allow them to speak privately and  mentioned her relation to Rosinante. Her connection to his old  benefactor proved enough to Law to allow her into the Heart Pirates,  given she could pull her own weight.

Punk Hazard

Knowing  Law meant to go confront Doflamingo, Rena followed him in secret. It  took much to stay hidden while on Punk Hazard, between the weather, the  beasts, and Cesar's eventual mass gas attack. She hid on the Strawhat's  ship to avoid certain death... and only revealed herself once Law and  the Strawhat crew were out to sea, much to Law's chagrin.


Rena  demanded that Law allow her to take part in the takedown of Doflamingo,  and who was he to refuse? Rosinante was taken from her, too. She  accompanied Law to the hand off, and when things went south on Greenbit,  briefly posed as Law to distract Doflamingo. While she managed to shoot  him, she was nowhere near strong enough to press the attack, and was  easily defeated, dragged back to the castle with Law as a prisoner. 

Broken  out by the strawhats, Rena would be ordered to stay with Zoro's group  as Law and Luffy went to track down the key to Law's cuffs and press the  attack on Doflamingo. During that time, she thought Law had been killed  by Doflamingo, and had to be talked down by the others from going to  attack the notorious pirate herself. She eventually aided the others in  stalling the advance of the birdcage before being reunited with her  captain.

After Doflamingo's defeat, Rena joined Law in talking to  Sengoku. It provided much needed closure for both of them, and shortly  after her Missing poser was changed to a more updated Wanted poster,  which her mother now keeps posted on her wall.


Rena  accompanies Law and the Strawhats as they return to their crew on Zou.  They are given a warm welcome by all but Taiga, who is mad at Law for  going on a suicide mission, and Rena for disobeying orders. They are  both quickly forgiven, however, since the anger is borne only for love  of her crewmates. Rena joins the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance with  the rest of the Heart Pirates.


Rena  spent the early parts of the liberation of Wano utilizing her calm-calm  fruits ability to spy on the pirates Basil Hawkins and X Drake. However,  some time during her spying, she lost communication with her crew. She  stumbled upon the wounded Kamazo the Manslayer and treated his wounds.  They were eventually found by Eustass Captain Kid, and thereafter  arrested and brought to the Udon Prison Camp. Rena stayed with the Kid  Pirates through the Onigashima raid, reporting their position and status  to Law as she went.


Basic Info

The sniper of the Kidd Pirates (formerly the Heart Pirates) and Law's younger sister, though not by blood.

  • Species: Human
  • Age: 24 (22 Pre Timeskip)
  • Build: Small but muscular
  • Gender: Intersex Woman (CAIS)
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Occupation: Sniper
  • Attitude: Stubborn, headstrong, loyal
Likes & Dislikes

  • Massacre Soldier Killer <3
  • Comics
  • Pranks

  • Mushrooms
  • Marines
  • The Dark

Calm-Calm Fruit

Rena's devilfruit ability allows her to nullify sounds. She can use this to hide the sound of her footsteps or gunshots, making it easier to hide when sniping.


Rena is a skilled sniper, having a good eye and steady hand. She excels at staying out of sight and putting down enemies from afar.

Armament Haki

Rena imbues her bullets with Haki to make them effective even against logia type enemies.

Extra Notes

  • Rena inherited her father's clumsy nature and often has to be rescued after stumbling overboard.
  • Rena means reindeer!
  • Her mother was native to Dresserosa before moving to Marineford, which makes Dresserosa Rena's home.
  • Law considers her a little sister, and she considers him an older brother- Something Rosinante had hoped for.
Vivre Cards: Donquixote Rena 
Age: 24  
Height: 1.57m 
Favorite Food:  Strawberry Shortcake 
Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms 
Hobbies: Comic Books, Quick-Draw 
Motif Animal: Reindeer  
Origin: Marineford, Paradise 
Bounty: 30,000,000 
 Armament Haki and Calm-Calm Fruit User

Heart Pirates Outfit

Like the other Heart Pirates, Rena wears a white jumpsuit with their jolly roger on the breast. However, she tends to wear it with the top down and tied at her waist, revealing a black tank top she wears underneath. This is a constant point of contention with Law, who would prefer she stick to uniform please.


Wano Disguise

During their stay in Wano, Rena disguised herself as a traveling apothecary so she could blend in with the locals while spying on Basil Hawkins. She kept her sniping supplies and transponder snail in the apothecary box at her back, though they were lost after an unfortunate stumble.


Onigashima Raid Disguise

Under the effects of Kinemon's garb garb fruit, Rena donned the uniform of the beast pirates to sneak into Onigashima. The outfit was short lived, however.


Her Father's Daughter

Realistically there is no reason she would wear Corazon's outfit. But alas 


Current Outfit; Kidd Pirates Fit

After joining the Kidd Pirates, she needed to fit in!GP1zwH5XAAAK0hS?format=jpg&name=4096x409Art by LavenderArts_!