


9 months, 20 days ago






"Come one, come all! Triple your gold in an instant! All you need to do is knock out my friend here, heh heh." 

Emerson is a conman operating rigged games out of the City of Doors' southern district.

He fights with a wide array of bombs, while also using his classical upbringing to analyze opponent's stances for openings and conveying these openings to his allies.


Emerson is a short man with greasy black hair and a small, pointy mustache. He is completely covered by dark clothing. He carries a large bag, filled to the brim with disguises, rigged games, and explosives.


Emerson is a conman by trade, commonly engaging in lies and half-truths. He is constantly looking for ways to make money, and they need not be underhanded means (although they often are). Emerson is highly observant, both in battle and in his schemes. He has never lost a game of cards. Emerson is also considerably brave, especially when it comes to defending Doors or his friends. 


Emerson was educated in the classics for his entire upbringing. One day, he ran away from his overbearing family and never looked back. Emerson has been running various schemes in Doors for around ten years. There, he would later form a pseudo-adventuring party alongside Matlock, Lake, and Palmer.


The party first encountered Emerson, alongside Palmer and Lake, in the bazaar district of Doors. There, Emerson challenged passers-by to a punching competition with Palmer. After Bronson survived three full rounds with Palmer, Emerson refunded his money (plus a little extra).

After the party escaped the underground compound, they ran into Emerson, again in Doors' southernmost district. After explaining what they learned, Emerson successfully found and convinced Kopp and the Doors Guard of the gravity of the situation.

During the goblin invasion, while the party defended the southern gate, Emerson and his allies successfully defended the northern gate, using his explosives to take down several goblins and worgs.

Following the invasion, he would explore the now-abandoned goblin compound, having received the deed to the structure from Palladium. The party found him playing cards with Raynor, Morrison, and the lizardmen when they returned from their hunt for perfumed oil.

When the party learned from Torvac's letter that Kopp was in danger, Emerson rode alongside them into battle. After defeating most of the first wave of enemies, Emerson dropped a bomb on the remnants, and the party rode away from the explosion. Emerson would then fight alongside the party against the druid Cherni, using his Noble class features to allow Max to trip the elderly goblin.

Later, Emerson told the party that the deed to the compound was actually fake, having been conjured up by Palladium using the Illusory Script spell.


Kopp- Emerson and Kopp are surprisingly close, and they each hold a great deal of trust in the other. Despite being a conman by trade, Emerson would never dare lie to Kopp.

Matlock- Close friends and former comrades. Emerson supplies Matlock's pawnshop with a variety of goods acquired through both legitimate and illegitimate channels.

Lake- Close friend and former comrade. Lake acts as the referee in many of Emerson's games, ensuring that challengers don't use magic to try and cheat the game.

Palmer- Another close friend and comrade. Emerson uses Palmer as a pawn in many of his games. He doesn't take advantage of his friend, as he knows that Palmer is strong enough to beat him up if he goes too far.

Dechert- Emerson and Dechert get along surprisingly well. He always makes Dechert laugh with his wide array of stories.