
10 months, 4 days ago


Name: Whimsy

Pronouns: She/They

Species: Shapeshifter, main form appears to be a fox, this form is sometimes seen with mothlike wings, they have also been known to take the form of a wide mouthed monster. This form may in fact be their true appearance.

Alt Forms: Wolf, Opossum, Dog, Alligator, Deer, Cat, Coyote, Raven, Dilophosaurus, Dragon, Werewolf, Monster.

Jobs: Nighttime Security and occasional odd jobs, some have called her a Witch.

Personality: A fairly calm and kind individual, she likes to help people but also takes some joy in putting rude people in their place. She loves nature and collecting odd bits and bobs such as bones, rocks, and gems.

Monster: A sadistic creature who enjoys toying with her victims, driving them mad before tearing them apart. It secretes a sort of toxic from it's claws that may have hallucinogenic properties causing her victims to see terrifying things before she inevitably strikes. She seems to take joyment from watching her prey run and hide, finding pleasure in the chase as much if not moreso than the kill itself.