Locryn (Anathema)



8 months, 9 days ago



It let you put a finger in its mouth.
It didn't bite down, not hard, not then, not yet.

Name Locryn Fenn

Age 28

Gender Male, he/him

Height 12hh

Species Bovine

Background Wild Mage

Occupation Hunter

Location Faline

Alignment Neutral Evil




An unpleasant yet charming man. Cold, private, selfish and foul, Locryn serves no one's interests but his own, finding people around him at large nothing to trouble himself with beyond shallow entertainment. He trusts nobody, but where he lacks warmth and empathy, he’s got a sharp mind and keen eyes. Self-serving by nature, he thrives in solitude, seeing little to no worth in deep human connection.

Truth to be told, Locryn can't claim to understand most desires that seem to drive others, the disconnect between him and the world around him running deep. Maybe he never has, but whatever the truth, he is first and foremost interested in the present and doing what he deems necessary to sustain himself and best serve the patron he feels indebted to - Destiny. He imitates, he blends in, acts and deceives, but there's a limit to his cruelty and it is called self-preservation.

Survival; being in control of his own fate; finding something no man has seen before, wild and uncompromised - such are his priorities, damn all the rest. Passion burns bright in him, but it has rarely led him to do anything good. He is a murderer, a hunter with a far more sinister past than most. Cautious like a beast of the wilds, Locryn has only seemingly learned his lesson, merely having grown averse towards unnecessary risks and things that may hamper him, but when danger beckons him, he is hard-pressed to completely ignore its call. He lives for the extremes, after all.

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cw: death, murder, execution

Born as the only child to a forest warden and his wife. Despite living but a bird's flight away from Faline and its grand markets, their family was majorly a self-sufficient one, Locryn learning early on to make most out of the forest they called home.

His father was a well-respected but proud man, suffocatingly so, and it was eight long years later that his mother finally had enough. It was a blow to his father’s ego, and one he never truly recovered from even as he carried on with his duties and eventually began to introduce Locryn to the people who had appointed him in his honorable post. As time passed, Locryn began to wonder if the fox’s cry he had heard on the night of his mother’s disappearance had been a fox at all.

Years rolled by, and his father drank more and more. Locryn was fourteen when the accident happened, their hunting trip cut short by his father’s fatal stumble down the hill to a dried up ravine. The fall was bad, but the man lived yet, calling out to his son to help him get out. Locryn, for all it’s worth, did consider the plea. Briefly, but whatever morbid, wilful curiosity took hold of him that day made him settle down on the edge instead, not uttering a word as he watched his father first plead, then curse at him, and eventually panic as the day turned into a chilly night. ‘What would it feel like,’ Locryn had thought as the long wait had stretched on to the next day while his normally indomitable father began to falter. ‘What would it feel like to bear witness to someone’s death?’

Three days came to pass in total before the lad sought out another hunter he knew to live in the eastern parts of the dense forest to help him pull up his father's corpse. The truth about the incident remained Locryn’s secret alone, the assumed tragic accident leading into the now orphaned lad inheriting the house, and much of his father’s connections, some of which offered him aid and others who did not. If he ever held love for the man who once was his father, turned his mother’s bane, the young man felt none of that in the wake of his passing; no satisfaction, no grief, not even remorse. There was only him and every opportunity to make himself anew with his mother’s untimely demise avenged.

Over time, Locryn got more and more involved with the underworld of Faline, mingling with the upper crust and dregs of the society alike in his pursuit of that elusive something. He grew into a handsome man, as rotten as he was charming to those he needed to be, entertaining proposals of violent revenges and nighttime dalliances both in exchange for favors and wealth.

He descended deeper into this new world, until it all came to a stop when he was twenty-three years old. Locryn was ratted out to the authorities - by who, he didn’t know, but what followed his trial and public execution made it matter little. Sometime before he was caught, he’d acquired an amulet from a woman who claimed to have mage ancestry. A token of good luck, she had told him, and one Locryn had been allowed to wear on the day of his supposed death, tied around his neck, and it was only for his father’s good name that he was granted the mercy of beheading. He can’t say how the amulet worked its magic, but the next time he woke, it was in a shallow grave much to the man’s horror who had been tasked with the thankless duty of burying him, the trinket nowhere to be found.

Like a wild animal, Locryn attacked the man, leaving another body behind to fill his grave with under the mound of grass and dirt before stumbling away, letting his legs carry him back to the place he knew best. The house was dusty, having been left unoccupied for the last two years during his prolonged stay in Faline, but it was dry, untouched, and as Locryn settled down to rest on his old bed in his blood-stained clothes, he swore to be more careful next time.

After cheating death and coming to terms with the magic he now found himself to possess, Locryn has kept a low profile for the past few years, mostly keeping to himself and his old huntsman way of life. Every now and then though, he pays a visit to the streets of the capital, sought out only by those who wish to leave no trace of their dark desires.

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  • Primarily hunts with a flintlock rifle, but adept with a bow as well. Often carries a knife with a serpentine handle on his person.
  • By all intents and purposes, to many he is a dead man, but especially so to the city officials. It's this very real disconnect between his past and present that makes him a desirable option in his line of work. Beyond hunting and leading a quiet life, Locryn often does dirty jobs for the wealthy, and helps his clients get rid of enemies, rivals, inconvenient relatives, you name it. If one of his employers were to cross him though, they just might find one of their loved ones having gone missing not long after.
  • Lives beyond Faline's walls in an old forest warden's hut, secluded and forgotten. It's the house he was born in, and one he'd prefer to die in as well when the time comes.
  • Knowledgeable about the woods and the flora and fauna one might stumble upon there.
  • When in the city, he tends to dress up in whatever feels most appropriate for the occasion; seemingly just at home in the crowd as he is when skulking around in the forest's shade.
  • A devout follower of Destiny but remains respectful of the two other Patrons.
  • Playlist / Moodboard

Design Notes


  • Black ram with a nasty bite
  • Curly horns, longer wool around the neck and tail
  • Intimidating yet striking in his own way


  • Rough, sharp face, aquiline nose
  • Curly black hair, around shoulder length when not tied up
  • Dark, nearly black eyes framed by long eyelashes
  • Often difficult to read, going from expressionless and aloof to intense and captivating in the blink of an eye at times
  • 6'0" tall. Strong yet light-footed

Words of power





Disclaimer: His magic will never be used without OOC consent.

Strong suggestion based magic capable of altering its target’s perception of reality, most often used to induce doubt, fright, and even psychosomatic symptoms. At its most basic, his magic is all about making his words feel more true than anything else under the sun, though its effect is limited to the immediate present, and is heavily reliant on the circumstances. Currently his magic's effect can last only a few minutes at a time, but a moment is often all the time a hunter needs.

  • The effectiveness of Locryn's words is based on his own composure, any notable use of his magic demanding his full attention. He doesn’t so much will anything into being in the vein of illusions; rather, his magic together with his piercing gaze evokes an incomprehensible feeling of wrongness that can be intensified to a terrifying degree.
  • His magic causes no physical injuries, but a suggestion of a broken limb can feel very much real in the moment even if in truth said limb seems fully intact to everyone present.
  • At its worst, his magic can incapacitate the target by an overwhelming sense of threat, but such an intense sensation never lasts for long, and it is by nature more dependent on the target’s own frame of mind than mere suggestions of unease or pain.
  • (Attained his despicable magic via a cursed amulet, the very same that allowed him to cheat death once but as a result makes him relive the ghoulish experience on a regular basis)


Magic permanently alters, stops, or replaces an essential function of the caster's body. (3)

His head can fall off. Or rather, it will, bound to be lopped off by an unseen pursuer, the price for his magic never paid in full. When this occurs, he enters a state of stasis, aware of his surroundings but unable to move nor speak. If left alone, the manifestation of his magic's cursed origin will reattach his head back to the body if only to have the re-enactment of his death play out all over again another moonless night. Were his head and body remain separated for longer than a few hours though, a true death would be likely to follow.


Summoning Circle

[ 4/10/2023 ]

Mod reward.

Handmade Idol

[ 4/10/2023 ]

Allows him to handle weapons and heavy objects.

Extended Telekinesis

[ 4/10/2023 ]

Mastery over his telekinesis, can manipulate multiple objects at once.

Mending Scroll

[ 4/10/2023 ]

Can patch and mend broken things.

Stat Token x4

[ 4/10/2023 ]

+3 Power, +1 Discipline. His starting magic.