
1 year, 1 month ago


"slide 'round the issues and lay low"

Real Name Tetendael
Age Unknown
False Name Bentley
Gender Demiboy
Nicknames Scraps / Teli
Pronouns He / Him
Species Fallen Angel
Sexuality Mascusexual

Design Notes
  • Halo and wings are optional but preferred. You can't have one without the other.
  • Claws optional.
  • Color palette is black and any shade of white / off-white / pale yellow / pale orange.

An angel turned demon that was cast out of Heaven for his unorthodox methods.

Bentley is unwavering in his beliefs. His definition of morality and what is right and wrong is, to him, entirely objective. He is obstinate to a very frustrating extent. Nothing is opinion in his eyes; there is truth and there is falsehood. 'Subjective' is not a term he is familiar with.

Fortunately, his judgement usually lies within the realm of good. To most, he is a kind, if formal individual. It is when his judgement is skewed that he becomes a threat.


Solitary Social
Observant Dense
Logical Emotional
Organised Messy
Assertive Turbulent

"Heaven forbid you gotta dirty up the halo"

As a former angel, Bentley still has the ability to bless anything, though it is weaker than it was before he'd fallen. Changing emotions to more positive ones, granting good luck, and healing less significant ailments are all within this power.

Light / Darkness Manipulation

He is capable of manipulating both light and darkness, whether it is enhancing, diminishing, bending, creating, or shaping it. He uses this ability subconsciously sometimes; the shadow he casts appears to move separate to him.

Afterlife Marking

Although it takes a lot of energy, Bentley can dictate what will happen to someone's soul upon death, in line to his own belief of morality. This is something he does very rarely, but an ability he is capable of nevertheless.


Bentley used to be an angel under the name 'Tetendael'. It was after he was cast out from Heaven (due in part to his unwillingness to compromise and beliefs that contradicted that of the other angels), that he began to use the name 'Bentley'. He harbors a deep resentment towards Heaven, something that, along with his fallen status, he shares with Lucifer. Despite this, the two rarely get along.

Spurred on by his inherent angelic nature and determination to do good, Bentley was the kickstart to an organization (aptly titled Judgement) that took the law of the mortal realm into their own hands. They are usually competent in their judgement of who is decidedly 'criminal'. Not always. Bentley's true motivations, to cleanse everything within his grasp of so-called impurity, is hidden under several layers of secrecy that this organization holds.

'Scraps' is a nickname he earned from Judgement and the people it was cast upon. It's unclear whether this nickname originated from the scraps he gets into or his tendancy to discard anything deemed uncooperative.


  • He is incapable of lying. Instead, he merely bends the truth.
  • He hates being called a demon.
  • His voice is raspy from years of smoking.
  • He has a gun on him at all times.
  • He knows how to pole dance, for some reason.
  • He has a habit of flicking an ear when agitated, nervous, or happy.
  • His favorite food is blueberry cream cheese muffins.

"so i'm not gonna let this go"
Card Suit Swords
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Sin Pride
Virtue Diligence

Designer StudioChaos
Character Type OC