


9 months, 5 days ago


Bea, Bessie, Betsy
Female (she/her)
Gaming manager of Desire


Masterlist and mutations can be found from HERE.

Check out her PINBOARD for outfit ideas!


Beatrice is a strict hostess of one of the casinos on Desire, the entertainment ship that she works on. She isn't ruthless but won't tolerate any sort of misbehaving from her workers, nor the clients.

Betsy loves to party, she's always ready to go drinking after a long day at work or crash someone else's party. All in good faith and she always brings her own drinks when she does this.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Ignorant
Sensitive Tough
Brave Cowardly
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Despite being a party animal, Beatrice does put her work first and refuses to skip her shifts as she wants to set a good example to her employees. And she loves her job more than partying so there is also that.

When meeting her for the first time, you will meet a serious but flirty devoma. She will not hesitate to tease you at least a bit juuuust to see you get flustered before continuing with a more serious topic. She's extremely reliable and easily approachable, although sometimes a little imitating the new workers of Desire, but soon they will learn that she is nothing to be feared.
Unless you're a client threatening her employees, in which case, you should run as fast as you can.


6′2″ / 188cm
Yellow sclera, cyan iris, dark blue pupil
Skin color
Dark blue/cyan
Face shape
Hair Color
Light to mid-dark fuchsia
Long, kinky hair
Flirty, friendly



  • The wings on her head and waist can move and resemble bat wings.
  • She has many hairstyles but the type of her hair is 4A/kinky hair, so please keep it that way.
  • At longest her hair reaches to her lips.
  • The fur on her legs is long and can grow even longer than on the ref but she generally keeps it long enough to almost cover her feet.
  • She loves makeup and dressing up so feel free to go wild with those!.
  • She's plus-sized so don't draw her skinny, please.




Be it having a picnic with someone, drinking and partying or working. She can find fun out of everything.

Flirting with people

She is a massive flirt and it often slips into her normal speech/behavior as well.


She's a workaholic and LOVES her job but is always aiming higher.


Beatrice loves being close to people, it brings her a sense of safety and this often causes her to act irresponsibly.



What gets to Beatrice the most is boredom. That is when her mind starts to wander to her time as a substance user and her cravings surface.

Rude customers

People who think that they can treat her beloved employees as they please grind her gears the most.

Bad hair days

Days when her hair just won't cooperate due to weather conditions.


She has had some unfortunate incidents with turbites and thus fears them.


Levitation • Vunn / Vunnam • Apprentice

Due to her past with substance abuse, Beatrice has sometimes troubles controlling her antigravity abilities as her tail's energies are a tiny bit unbalanced and thus is on the apprentice level with said ability.

Fighting “Magic” • Sklammam • Apprentice

Once again, due to her tail being slightly messed up, she has a hard time with this as well and the “magic” doesn't always end up being in the scale that she wants it to be.

Martial Art Traditions • Angel Warriors / Kandinir Ways • Nearing master

Beatrice grew in a monastery as her parents chose this way of life and it is something she is very passionate about herself as well, despite not being part of the monastery nor training each day anymore.



Beatrice might be described as pushy when it comes to her challenging people to be their better versions but she does it all with good intention. A word to her and she stops or at least eases up a little.


She sees potential in things in the distant future and creates her plans accordingly.


She is extremely fair and will always give credit where credit is due!


Beatrice is extremely protective over her staff and friends.


Easily Discouraged

Her first strength is also her biggest weakness. She gets easily discouraged and for a period of time will hesitate to challenge anyone from doing anything.


Occasionally acting very irresponsible but that happens on her freetime, never would she imagine risking her job with such behavior.


Hard to get away from her desk.


Beatrice is very fiery person, in good and in bad.



Beatrice grew up in the monastery which was perhaps not the best environment to raise a young devoma. Her childhood and teenage years were safe, but heavily monitored to ensure she kept on the training schedule.

Eventually in her late teens, Beatrice snuck out with some other vomas to party. Some of them didn’t get caught and those who did, blamed it on her as she was the unruly one of the bunch. She was kept on a tight leash after this and by the time she turned 18 years old, she was discharged from the monastery as she was fighting back and not believing the way of Kandinir.

Eventually she ended up in a bad crowd and found what was described to her as “medicine” to get rid of the beliefs that she had been raised to believe to be right. Due to her rebellious nature, she took said “medicine”. Unfortunately she doesn’t remember much of what happened for the next few centuries as she was too focused on getting the next dose of the highly addictive drug that still, to this day, goes without a name.


After one especially bad trip she made a promise to herself that she would never use again as she was forced to use her own body to earn the credits to pay for her next dose. Or alternatively let her dealer use her as they pleased.

She had had enough.

Years went by and as Beatrice had hardly any experience on how to take care of herself, besides stealing and absorbing energy illegally, she found herself from the freezing planet, Potema. That is where she met Rosanne, a lovely patoo who loves having fun just as much as she does.


Rosanne was the missing link in Beatrice's life to the next point in her life. Not too many years after their first meeting, she introduced her to Akila, owner of a multimillion company. That was the moment when Beatrice's life truly took a new turn.

Upon finding out how smart Beatrice was, especially with numbers, they offered her a position in the casino of the ship. A simple job as a casino floor runner who helps the other members of the casino and shares betting advice with the customers.


A few cruise rounds pass, she slowly proves her worth and as a position opens, she gets a promotion. Years go by and Beatrice finds herself from the owner of Desire. The former gaming manager is about to retire and he suggests that Beatrice takes his place as the main manager of the casino.





Best friends

Rosanne is someone who Beatrice treasures, she is one of her oldest friends and she would never change a moment with her best girl to anything else.

"Girl, you're something else entirely. Every moment I spend with you is something I absolutely treasure."



Partner of her best friend

Beatrrice doesn't feel one way or the other towards Rhea. He's good for Rosanne and that is what matters the most. Rhea doesn't often join to their partying but waits at home for Rosanne and if needed, willing to come pick the two up and take them to the next place.

"She... He? They?! Well, Rhea, is a good bean and I adore... It...? No, that's not the pronouns they use... I'll just stick to them for now. Man... I'm such a bad best friend!"



Good friends with a chance for something more. Or do they?

They might seem like they're dating but are they really or just... Good friends who occasionally share kisses on the hallway? You'll never know! Or will you~?

"He's a man after my own heart. Hardworking, good looking, submissive and bree-"



Good friends

The two met on Desire years ago and quickly became fast friends as Beatrice admitted on finding Merlot's art stunning.

"She's such a good friend to me. We occasionally drink just to relax after a long day and whenever she shows up behind my door with a wine, I can never say no!"