Genevieve [OC]



10 months, 6 days ago

Basic Info




??? (Looks wise 18-20)








Human world


Genevieve is very shy, anxious and huge hopeless romantic who's sad when seeing human couples. She's a female specimen of the "gehennipede" species that is lesser predatory species in the hell dimension, now she's  a waitress at the restaurant

 She cannot talk as her mouth isn't able to produce sounds as well as not having a tongue or vocal cords, she's very sweet and smiles a lot, when happy the antennas behind her head twitch, when sad her ears drop lower. As other gehennipedes she eats only small food in human world it being lettuce, apple, strawberries as long as it's not hard to chew food example Chicken, in their primal habitat gehennipedes eat only small bugs, small withered plants or if lucky snatch a meat off some corpse left by species ruling the dimension.

hSe came to human world with no money, and the human money she received was quickly spend. She's broke almost all the time so each coin found on the sidewalk makes her celebrate (before spending it on some weird gacha machine to get useless keychains or bracelets)

- she's cold blooded meaning that when it's cold she often curls up next to a radiator, needs to wear warm clothes or she might shut down It being fall asleep in safe coma to her her body warmth

- she can hiss like a centipede, squeak or tweet. Those are the only sounds she can make when happy she chirps 

She's very confused of the human world, the restaurant now being constantly watched by the government monitors the creatures and how they interract with humans accepting the group as a part of society but keeping an eye on them. Genevieve is very shy and anxious so whenever she has to go somewhere away from the restaurant she has to be accompanied by someone. She loves cute girly clothes but is sad because she can't wear most of them such as stockings, skirts, shoes and pants because she doesn't have legs.

In her life in dimension she never mated or had any physical contact with male and female species, she only "mates" with Seth when she gets to human world as he as human had totally different way and meaning behind reproducing, she likes the affectionate way humans do such thing. During her life back home she would spend entire mating seasons hidden in a hole in ground that females dig up to raise offspring, Genevieve however dig it up and hid there because she was afraid of male gehennipedes and how violent they are during mating season. (Girl never mated)