
Name: Watashi (written with the Japanese characters for "cotton" and "death" - 綿死)
Class: Therianthrope
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Gender: Nonbinary
Blood-type: B-
Likes: Themself, cotton, the color black, the color white, Yui Shiotani
Dislikes: Themself, ImagineTech, Utopia Online and everyone who plays it, cops, the color gray, people they view as ‘inferior’, their father, Homura Usami

The main antagonist of my webnovel Tales of Virtual Shopkeeper.
A serial-killer who targets people who play the VRMMO Utopia Online. Their motives are a mystery, as is the identity of the person behind their avatar. They are also an expert programmer, being able to hack into ImagineTech's VR headsets to program them to kill anyone who died during Utopia Online.