


9 months, 9 days ago



  •  Name  Sophie ????? 
  •  Age  18 
  •  Gender  Demigirl 
  •  Pronouns  She/They 
  •  Sexuality  Bisexual 
  •  Personality 
    Sophie is unwaveringly mellow. They're often found chilling out reading if nothing is going on. She rarely ever lets anything ruin her vibe and would much rather laze around than get caught up in anything, with the exception of anything that involves showing off her immense strength (or anything that Marie likes to do). She rarely ever gets serious, and the last time someone pushed her to that, a mangled corpse was on the news.
  •  Appearance 
    Sophie is roughly 3 inches taller than Marie. She wears a white modified newsboy hat with a black band and a gold heart charm embedded into its left side, always on top of brown messy hair. She wears a plain black short-sleeved shirt and baggy white pants held in place by a brown belt with a large gold buckle. Her shoes are also plain black. On both of her wrists are blue-black bracelets with a gold circle with the letter X carved into both. Her inhibitor gauntlets, activated by Sophie clapping her hands, are blue-black with a lightning symbol on the back of the hand, held together by gold rings.
  •  Likes   Backstory 
    The result of an incredible fight between previous New Slide City kingpin August Bernardi and notorious pirate Shanty Woodsrow. After a business deal went south between the two, a bloody battle ensued. Their strongest attacks colliding was enough to completely rewrite reality at the end. It is still a mystery on how it happened, but both villains' existences were completely erased and were combined into one new body. When the smoke cleared, a figure emerged with no recollection of the fight, or either of her two previous lives. She quickly discovered her unmatched strength and destroyed the battleship Shanty came to the city in and left, wandering the city. Eventually she stumbled upon the domain of the witches and was captured left to be dealt with by Marie, who had no interest in doing anything to her. Once Marie discovered Sophie's incredible strength, though, she wanted to learn more, leading to the invention of the inhibitor gauntlets and the start of a strong relationship between the two.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● The reason Sophie was created as an OC is that JJ disliked drawing August and Shanty and couldn't find a use for either of them without making them seem too similar, so he combined design elements from the two into a new character.
    • ● Sophie uses her inhibitors in her fights to prevent herself from shattering her bones from her untamed strength. Although they make her slightly less powerful, she is still the strongest character in New Slide City by a landslide, able to sink entire skyscrapers if desired.
    • ● Her favorite book is Stargirl.
    • ● Her favorite apple is Red Delicious.