Skye Atoel



9 months, 19 days ago


Skye Atoel
Cloud Dragon (Draco Nimbus)
He/Him, They/Them (Non-Binary, Pan)

(Please excuse the 3am tiredbrain info, I'll get this organized soon I swear! Expect more info soon, too!)

A fairly chill and relaxed-back soul, this cloudy hybrid is often seen as the last of his kind- but what even *is* a cloud dragon? Well hopefully after reading all this rambling, you'll know even better than I do!

(Apparently) intelligent, social and soft for a draconic species, the cloud dragon is a distant cousin of furred dragons, known primarily for its ability to float and propel itself through the air without wings.

Rolling along from the top of his head to the tip of his long tail is a giant pile of fluffy clouds, constantly moving along and disappating in the air around him as water vapor. Serving as both camouflage and a social adapation, the clouds react to his emotions and can only be somewhat controlled.

For example, when upset the clouds darken, condense and start forming water droplets akin to rain, and if pressed further into anger they can even begin emitting an eletrical charge similar to lightning.

Despite the only known cloud-dragon being this friendly fluff, they retain a number of dangerous traits- much like their more terrestrial cousins:
1. Crush Strength: The paws can exert a surprising amount of physical force when grasping down. Poor guy has to really keep himself under control...
2. Venom: Both his fangs and claws can carry a debilitating venom- while not deadly except in very high doses, even a small amount can cause symptoms of physical weakness and slowed reactions. He tries to never unsheath his claws if he can!
3. Electrical Charge: As mentioned above, when angered the water vapor in his clouds becomes charged, shocking anything that comes into contact. While a useful defensive tool, a firm smack with his tail would carry the eletrical payload all the same. His fur has resistance to the charges to avoid zapping himself as well, useful for avoiding static buildup surprises, too!

Gentle by nature, he's rarely ever hostile excpet to those deserving it- Although when tired his filter can go down a bit. Seems to exude a parental peacekeeper energy, trying to help sort out problems and keep things calm for those around him.