


10 months, 5 days ago


Ash Details:

Born with a facial disfigurement, Ash was taken in by an engineer who specialized in animal prosthetics. He made her special jaw, tail, and neck protection when the apocalypse started, which mostly served to intimidate and defend, since the jaw can't bite anything substantial, and the tail flames are very easy to avoid. (Also, note that the neck guard is removable while the others are fastened to her body.)

Ash was mutated by solar radiation and now has human levels of intelligence, as well as strange orange markings on her fur. Her robot eye was connected to her neural pathways, which allows it to change colors based on her mood. This is very helpful to her since she can't speak or express herself easily. If seen in the dark, you'll realize that her robot eye gives off a faint glow. 

World Backstory:

The apocalypse started when the largest solar flare known to man hit Earth with unimaginable amounts of radiation. This caused mutations in animals (including humans), and destroyed the smaller electromagnetic waves that connect radios, the internet, and more. Earth was back in the dark ages of isolation and fear, but Ash and her owner-turned-partner hope to reconnect the planet's through good old-fashioned mechanical engineering.