


9 months, 26 days ago


Valerie Rivers, captain of the airship "Valkyrie". She is the bastard daughter of Marcel Windcrest. Marcel had wanted nothing to do with her mother, claiming it a drunken mistake. As a way to make sure she stayed out of his life, he set her up in a decent mansion in (aradea?) with a decent amount of gold set aside for her to ensure she'd never have to worry about anything. This suited her mother well, and she told Valerie that her father had passed away in a battle at sea. This led to Valerie having a fascination with the sea, with ships. This eventually grew into an interest to explore, to travel, and to make maps. Art had always been one of her favourite things, as well as studying in general. She has a high degree of formal education. Until the untimely passing of her mother, Valerie was unaware of her true parentage. It was only looking through her mother's possessions, to see what could be discarded, that she found letters that her mother had kept, as well as a journal from her mother to her, detailing everything.

So she travelled to Eldenspire to set up a meeting with Marcel. Going in, she did not have much of a hope. He'd sent her mother away and never reached out, after all... but still, Valerie was alone, wanting a family around her. Wanting to know her siblings. What she was met with when meeting her father, was a cold and calculating man. Rather than listening to her, he asked her what she wanted from him, claiming that he would never give her a family. She would forever be an outsider. But he could give her a purpose. Learning of her fascination with travel, he offered her an airship - her very own airship. He'd provide funds for a crew, and set her up so that neither she nor any children of hers would have to worry about finances. She agreed, realziing that she would never get what she wanted.... so she might as well get all that she could.

Leaving the meeting, she swore to become someone he could not so easily dismiss. Someone he would wish to know. Someone he'd want to acknowledge.... so she could turn him down. She'd be someone mentioned to him by others, talked up by others. To become someone who was a 'must-meet'.