Amethyst and smoky



6 years, 6 days ago


Amethyst and smoky


Amethyst was a quiet child not really saying much and tending to spend way to much time in the woods near her small village. Is was in these woods that she had her accident. The woods normally a save place for amethyst from the bullies and those that made fun of her for her quiet nature she though she new the entre land scape out side her village. Then she came across the ruins. Amethyst new it prolyl wasn’t a good idea to go into the strange new area but she had other things on her mind such as the gang of bullies chasing her she dived in among the stone ruins for safety and a new hiding spot a few of her older one having been found. As she crossed the out wall of the ruin. Everything behind her seemed to vanish and grow quiet. As amethyst tried to clam down her raising heart she looked around the ruins and stones. Her eye widens as she walked over to one of the columns looking at the symbols and pictures on it none of which she recognized.  Amethyst seemed to forget about her worries her curiosity of the un known taking over as she started to explore the ruins. In her wonder she didn’t see the marks on the stone floor cover by vines and drift the tile sinking into Amethyst only has a split second to register before she feels searing pain as magic flies up her arm there a crack and an explosion as she is thrown back the protection rune shattering her arm searing pain as she black out having struck her head on one of the stones Amethyst black outs.


She wakes up three days latter in the medical hut of her village. Her arm missing and her memory clouded. The village doctor questions as to why she was found passed out with her arm wound cauterized by magic. Yet can’t answer him all memories of the runes gone form her mind. Her ears flat scared she is in trouble. The doctor sighs you will need to be watched he says sighing the wound reeks of magic but the likes I can’t figure out. There was nothing amethyst could do to argue as she became the doctor assistant as best she could with only three limbs. Her miss appendage fuel to the fire of the bullies. as now she could run  fast. A small blessing was none would risk the doctor bladed lounge after the first time they were caught actual harming her in a back ally. This only meant they learned to not leave any visible wounds.


This went on for months as Amethyst struggled to cope with the loose of her arm as she could still almost feel it. She didn’t even go into the wood as often only when her master needed herbs and plants she still new will to find them all but the forest. Just felt different to her it no longer felt safe. It was during one of the visits to the forest looking to gather herbs that she started to hear the yells and jeers of the other children. Amethyst heart started to pick up as she kept walking herein the group behind her. Suddenly two of the larger one where on either side of her pushing her back and forth between them she stumbles. “what’s wrong nubs not so steady on your feet. The black one the group lead sneer as she shoves her the other stepping back as amethyst fell to the ground shaking he can’t fight they would only hurt her more. i..i need to collect herbs f..for doc she says stuttering with fear. the black one snort herbs your going to need them after we’re done with you. Amethyst heart rate picks up. As she start to limb back wards. But she creeps into a wall behind her as the three bullies fan out in front of her “No where to go nubs no one to call for the black one sneers. Amethyst ears lower as she looks behind her to what she hit. Her eye widen as she sees another ruin that was never here before this one was of jet black stone and clear clean runes. LOOK AT ME WHRN I TALK TO YOU. The black his as he paw flashes out slapping amethyst across the face. Amethyst head snaps around as she walls back against the rune she feels  flicker of magic as it starts to glows. The black one doesn’t seem to notice. A…s.sir the smallest of the three start shut it runt. The black says Amethyst feels something fall on her back it is cold and wet. But she doesn’t see to notice. As the black bullies sneers her there more where that cam form nubs. As he raises his paw again. Amethyst flinches but instead of a smack she there’s a hiss and a scream as the solid black snake jumps off her back latching onto he bullies neck as he stumbles back clawing at it as the snake strike again the bullies body lays un moving the other two have fled.


As amethyst just sits cowering. Looking at the snake and the body….” It take her amount to see the bully is still breathing, the snake slither back looking up at her with solid white eyes. Amethyst whimpers p….please d..don’t hurt me. The snake tongue flicks as its eye blink. It slithers over to Amethyst rising up and sniffing at her arms nubs amethyst is full of fear but to scared to do anything. The snake tongue flickers as hit starts to hum as it presses its head against the nub amethyst feels the tinge of magic as the snake body shift and change to a new black limb. amethyst makes small gasp wiggling the paw on the snake limbs paws she rias sit looking at it the snake eye still blink at her. “whaaa” “no like bullies” a cold but kind voice says in her mind. Amethyst  this jumps but she cant get away from the sane that is now her arm.” “I like you I wants to help you I be your am I protect you.” “w….why?” Amethyst  asks worried that there is some hidden motive on the creatures intentions. “because I am protector. and you awoke rune you see things that other don’t” y..your shrine Amethyst looks behind her and the jet black shrine is gone replaced with a boulder she blinks as the boulder shifter back to the shrines. “What?” “you have special magic shinny eye the snake says in her mind can feel it. You can see and enter place other can’t is that how loose your arm? Feels old magic on wound.” “i..i don’t remember how I lost my arma I was in the woods and then I woke up with doc.” Amethyst sits down utterly confused looking down at this snake paw moving the finger and every muscle of it like a real hand the snake giggles “tickles.” Maybe smiles her fear starting to melt as she realizes the snake means her no harm its intentions pure. you have name little one? No what’s a name?” it what other call you mine is Amethyst . Pretty stone the snake says it’s a type o quart Amethyst  his says looking at the snake and his black color…what if I call you smoky that another type of quart the snake purrs smoky like that name. the black bully groans. Amethyst looks back he be ok? Yhea only sedated no poison. Ok Amethyst  says as she stand up gently using her new arm this feels weird. Will be normal with time Smokey says. Yhea just need time. She starts to walk back to the village little hopeful now having a true friend.