
6 years, 3 months ago



Ronan is a hell hound and a fighter. Raised form a pup in an illegal animal fighting ring she new only the sting of the whip and the chill of healing for punishment and reward. Ronan was a good fighter and a terror in the rings. Her savagery and reputation grew with each win each kill. She earned nicer reward a better bed arm wraps her collar, ear piercings. They where all small things but they where big things to Ronan’s dim mind. They were things she earned.  It could have kept going on for Ronan pit life if the operation had not been targeted by an other gang during the raid the cages and dogs got targets many stirght up shot others like Ronan escaped to the ware house district the ring was situated in.


Ronan as a feared fighter was more or less made into the pack leader of the few rouge hounds that escape  the burning building. Fighting for territory for other pack and causing issues in the housing.   It was short lived as they where all soon captured by animal control after serval complaints.


Lucky for the most of the hounds the animal control took great efforts to try and rehabilitee them to be suitable pets, unfortunately  for Ronan  she was a little t far gone to be fully conditioned and it was feared she would have to be but down. Until one day a strange creature came to the center looking for a pet to help guard his him. At first he was shown the other animals but he turned them all away. As they walked past Ronan cage the creature stop kneeling to look at her a small kind smile on his face as he quickly talked to the center staff. And it was this creature that brought Ronan back to his home. Or rather a small temple he ran and carried for. Yet it was no normal temper it was the temple of shadow dedicated to the goddess of death and the afterlife.


Not many where part of the temple only one other person lived in the Temple a small bat lemur hybrid that Anubis had adopted. The small child was but in charge of Ronan. Yet his own fear of her was quite clear. Yet Ronan felt a soft sense of security in this place it wasn’t the harsh pits. Or the lonely cage of the center. It was something different soft kind and pleasant the child cared for her and brushed her. The longer Ronan stayed in the temple something changed in her small in the back of her mind the magic of the temple slowly revealing there was something far greater  inside Ronan she was no simple animal she was a hell hound she was a dark spirt. And a person. Ronan learned to speak and talk. She became close formed with the child lemming. She became is protector and he became her friend working together to do chores and errands for Anubis. Roana found a family and some where she belonged.