SMOKE EATER - Barnaby Birch



10 months, 8 days ago


SMOKE EATER - Barnaby "Bambi" Birch (he/him, it/its)

  • He is the leader of Aurora Forces' safety and fire department team specifically in Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
  • He was a war criminal from an old private military company who specialized in destruction and stealing.
  • He sees from his previous mistakes and rehabilitates in working in the isolated Aurora Forces as a new fresh start.
  • He is not part of Aurora Force's biggest forces, the Peacekeepers. He is a Fallow.
  • Judge promoted him recently to be the figurehead and operator of the safety department. Due to his calm and collected demeanor, Judge sees lost potential of him working in the very back.
  • His personality is more on in between of being extroverted and introverted, he seems brooding and dangerous at most of the time but he's really kind and quiet.

 More info:

  • His uniform is based on the fire fighter costumes from the anime "Fire Force".
  • His design is based strongly from Omniman and Magnum P.I.  
  • He gets teased alot for getting promoted to the most useless job ever in the snow but Judge defends him alot for that.
  • The burn scars on his shoulders are from defending the hostages he watched over from falling burning debris back when he was in a different company. This is what changed his mind to leave and join a peaceful company instead. The large scars on his face was made from accidentally scratching himself when he awoken from the debris. He is partially blind on his right eye. Thinks he doesn't deserve an eyepatch.
  • He is a very closeted transgender man.
  • He's just a big softie who grumpy all the time who's actually protective despite his angry appearance.