Jay Miller



9 months, 15 days ago


Jay Miller

"How can something so stupid be so deadly" (reffering to their snake)

  • Age: [17 years old]

  • Gender + Pronouns: [agender they/them]

  • Nationality: [tbd]

  • Sexuality: [aro-ace]

  • Theme:


Introvert Extrovert
Logic Impulse
Thinking Feeling
Judging Perceiving
Laidback Chaotic Extroverted Insecure


  • They got their snake (Ziggy) at 13 years old

  • Works at KFC and EBgames
  • Can play the guitar and the tuba
  • Acts super confident but is actually very insecure


  • Super interested in gaming, such as Smashbros, Splatoon and Telltale games, they own a nintendo switch lite which they use in their free time, as well as a school laptop which they use to play mc, telltale games etc
  • Loves Skating and the whole skating/grunge aesthetic (especially cargo pants)
  • Loves going to concerts, festivels, parties and cons, but cant usually afford it
  • Doesn't tend to wear dresses/fem fashion (unless its for a bit)
  • Refuses to go to therapy out of fear


Jay is a 17 year old student at Pinehills Secondary College. They are an orphan after being disowned at 15 for comming out and never fitting the consevative image their family expected of them, despite that they maintain a happy, energtic and conversational seeeking nature and continue to live their life to the fullest with the love and support of their friends and their beloved snek Ziggy.

Despite being rather chaotic they manage to keep their life together, maintaining two jobs + school + care of Ziggy and their friends. They live in a tiny appartment complex with only Ziggy to keep them company, the landlord is pretty harsh but its the best they can afford and appreicate the generosity despite the judgement however they will often go to Rae or Nik's house to hang out, and both of their parents love them.

The most extroverted of the group and will often go to different festivls, parties, cons etc and will always offer for the rest of the gang to come but usually they go by themself. They really struggle making friends because of fear of abandoment/judgement/etc




Nik The Prick
Best Friend

Nik is Jay's absoulte best friend in the world, they met at the age of 7 and have stayed close friends ever since, they have both helped each other through times, good and bad and have ultimately had each others back through the entirety of their lives. Nik was super helpful during Jay's coming out and let Jay stay over

Rae Rae

Rae and Jay aren't as close as Nik and Jay but they're still quite close, Jay is Rae's biggest wingman