

9 months, 7 days ago


destiny the dark urge | genderfluid | any pronouns | pansexual | wild magic sorcerer + arcane trickster rogue | tiefling

currently romancing astarion ( monogamous )

- destiny is a blank slate, where the world is fresh and new to their eyes. they recall nothing before the nautiloid, nothing but the feeling of
rage and betrayal. but it was displaced. now they are experiencing most of the world like a newborn. however, a haunting past lurks with their
compulsions and impulses.

- destiny feels familiar in deceit, like every interaction is a performance. it is when conversations become genuine that they feel caught off guard
and uncertain. they feel vulnerable, but also as if they do not know enough to talk about themselves. they are still figuring it out on their own, so
they will curtail conversations away from them.

- sex was always familiar as it was a comfort. but affection and intimacy is very new to them. they had been touch starved and neglected prior to
the nautiloid, only familiar with any sort of physical engagement either fueled by lust, bloodlust, malice, or deceit. but with their fellow compatriots,
guiding their new life, they are experiencing affection both platonic, familial, and even romantic. and they have begun to crave it, as if they innately
understand that they have been so deprived of it for so long. unfortunately, they are terrible with communicating their desire for it.

- their bloodied past remains an ever-looming mystery to destiny, with glimpses of viscera and gore incomprehensible to their fresh mind,
but none without context. none without meaning. memories of blood and meat. they try to find some sort of explanation, some reasoning
behind these horrific visions and why they secretly delight in them.

- once known as fate, child of bhaal, destiny is the incarnate of magic and the dangers behind it. the weave tainted bhaalspawn is a blasphemy
to most wizards, a corruption that ought to be rid of on this plane and every plane beyond. however, when the bookish nerds face the magic
manic bhaalspawn, who delights in the random chance and creativity wielding the weave to unmake them in the most spontaneous and
unthinkable way. 
