Tamani - Under Construction



10 months, 3 days ago



Name: Tamani

Name meaning: Yearn

Gender: Female

Age: Cub

Height: N/a

Pride: Maharagwe

Rank: Princess

Fertility: 15%

Sexuality: N/a

Voice Claim: Dafne Keen


Mother: Faida

Father: Mrefu

Siblings: None.

Mate: None

Children: None.

Grandchildren: None.

Relationship status: Single.


+ Self-Assured---> Tamani shows confidence! She's sure of her own abilities! As princess she doesn't let anyone stand in her way! No matter who or what they have to say!

+ Loyal---> 
Tamani will cherish you beyond belief if you're loyal to her and her family's kingdom! Show respect, get respect in her motto! One she learned for her stepmother Heshima! 

-/+ Curious--->
Tamani is way to curious! She'll put her nose into everyone's business and rarely gets the hint she's being too nosey! Curiosity has definitely gotten this cub into loads of trouble! 

-/+ Risk taker ---> 
Danger? Never heard of it! Tamani won't let anything get in her way! This definitely ties in with her curiosity! Don't be alarmed if you see the young cub trying to climb a tree 10x her height! She'll do it whether you want her too or not! 

- Blunt---> 
An unfortunate trait she learned from her mother ands step mother who are both equally if not worse at being blunt! Don't take offence to such a thing! The young cub doesn't know any better! It does make befriending others a bit difficult especially with her wild personality. 

- Inattentive--->
As you can tell so far Tamani is a bit of a wild child! Especially as a princess of a "Wealthy and proper" pride this can cause a bit of a stir! 


History: TBD

Age Chart: TBD
