


1 year, 1 month ago


Big boy.
Height: 14'
Usually rude and irritated easily.
Ate a whole child from a security malfunction once :)

Works in the daycare as security.
Shares a body with star.
His rays, fluff, tail star, and toe beans can glow.
Eyes are LED screens :) (so they glow too but like all the time)
He can go into "four-legged" mode, turning his front hand into paws for extra mobility and s p e e d. Anatomically like a big cat (lions .etc)

Green button (on the back of he head): Green when on, breathing orange when asleep, red when off/dead.

Lore shit !! ---
Once, Nova had a glitch and his security protocol was activated, and it caused him to label a child, who was tugging on his tail to get his attention, to be labeled as a threat.. and he ate them. Alive. So he was slated to be removed from Star and decommissioned. (trust me its important later)
Another thing before the True Lore™️, Star used to have a completely different personality, being much closer to Suns (all happy and normal and shit)

So one day, Star had gotten up on the wire to get something down from the top of one of the play structures, and while he was suspended high in the air, the wire snapped. And he fell all the way down, landing directly on top of a pile of barrels.
When he was taken into parts and service to be fixed, they very quickly saw that star was beyond repair, and were too lazy to decommission him properly. So they decided to just put his mangled corpse into an unused janitor's closet. And he was left there for years.
When he fell, his hard drive got donked, and all the data on it was slowly getting corrupted, so all his (and novas) memories were slowly getting deleted. Another side effect of the corruption, his AI was also getting fucked up. Star and Nova were trapped inside the headspace for so so many years, and they slowly went insane, Star going feral after about a year, fighting Nova, causing them to resent each other.  

When Star was found and powered back on, his AI and memories were almost entirely gone, the only things he remembered were all the fights with Nova, and Moon's name, not even remembering how to read or the English language at all. Not even how to walk. While he was booting up, his system decided to copy some of Nova's AI to fill in the gaps from Star, causing his personality to shift drastically. He got fixed up, being returned to the daycare all confused about what the fuck everything is and what is going on. Sun (and reluctantly, Moon) helped him relearn everything again, Sun being ecstatic that Star is back!!! yay!!! But after learning about Star's new personality, he slowly drifted farther away from him. Star, only actually remembering Moon at all, became very attached, getting almost to the point of obsession.
Nova, on the other hand, only remembered Sun (and all the fights with Star), causing him to do basically the same, only he just follows Sun around and became very protective over him. Nova at least remembered more, knowing how to read, and was able to speak some broken English. 

They both slowly relearned everything, getting used to life again and figuring out how everything worked. They now absolutely hated each other from the fights, only talking when the other wanted to be out.