


9 months, 18 days ago

Basic Info


Ghost Miles






Male (he/him)


Hetero Grayromantic & Greysexual



Occupation (Mortal Realm)

Registered Elderly & Palliative Care Home Nurse

Occupation (Negative Alias)

Lone Web Keeper


Lone web keeper - He is someone who manages the interpersonal relationships of others. If he finds someone is lonely and needs someone to speak with, he can essentially create another line in the web of relationships to connect people together. He weaves new threads to the web in order to bring individuals together and create meaningful relationships. 

alternatively, if he finds someone that he deems does not deserve some of the people around them, he can sever those connections to force them into some level of isolation. This power allows him to also teach people about the power of self-reliance and independence, as well as the important knowledge of knowing when to seek more support. 

He takes his job very seriously, and finds most satisfaction by creating connections between the elderly and those that can provide support. His irl job as a Registered Elderly and Palliative Care Home Nurse allows him to directly see the benefits of his work when connecting the most vulnerable. His primary goal is balance, striving to make sure people are not too isolated, but not too excessively dependant on others. 

- Gentle yet enigmatic lad. He has a soft, relaxing voice that melts a lot of your worries away. His presence is comforting, but sometimes his endless and unwavering care for others comes off as unnerving to some. His eyes are kind and rich in wisdom. Ghost is patient and attentive, always taking time to listen to the residents’ stories and concerns. In fact, he quite loves this part of his job, as he adores listening to the incredible life stories of the people around him who have deep and rich tales to tell. 

- his deep empathy for others is reflective of his supernatural ability to sense the emotional states of individuals. While Damien can manipulate others and fire, Ghost can pull out your deepest thoughts and memories, like a thread from a slowly unraveling jumper. 

- It truthfully seems that the people around him know he is at least a little bit odd. He is mysterious, people tend to notice. He keeps a lot his thoughts and feelings too himself. While he oozes an incredibly effortless confidence, there is more beneath the surface that people are not to know. 

- Ghost is introspective, always self-reflecting on his work and the state of the web. He is excessively self-aware. He is observant, more often than not spotting the subconscious needs and desires of others. All of this emotionally labouring work causes him to seem detached sometimes, he is very overburdened, not that he will admit it. He is prone to some meloncholic spells, which he often banishes. 

- Ghost is adept at forming connections, and has had to learn the hard way about setting boundaries, which is hard for him knowing that sometimes he can’t be self-sacrificing and needs to put himself first. 

- When not rapidly bouncing between the two realms and his two jobs, Ghost loves to partake in Zen Gardening, maintaining a Japanese rock garden to foster the mindfulness He needs. He also tries writing flash fictions, mini fictional tales, less than 1000 words and inspired by the tales of the wonderful people around him. he loves reading memoirs, and doing origami. 

- quirky boy sometimes talks to the new, murmuring to himself and the threads of the web as if they would speak back and infuse him with knowledge and certainty of what to do. He collects mementos like pressed flowers, handwritten notes and interesting stones, and never ever ever throws away gifts from his patients. He keeps them all, they all tell a story and are so special. He struggles to sleep…. Like a lot. he continually wakes up in the middle of the night and struggles to return to sleep.

- he has an old pocket watch that was given to him by one of his first palliative care patients who passed away. Ghost finds this one deeply important to him as a person. He has a tiny glass bottle of sand from a seaside visit, when he went once on a soul-searching journey during the dark part of his life, when the legacy and pressure of the web first set in. 

- favourite pokemon is Mimikyu :)