keeley's Comments



are you maybe putting them in wrong? or is the code just a little messed up?

agh it works for a minute but when I come back to the page theyre all gone:[ if it is smt with the code idk what to dooo

man that sucks.. i might try using the code to see if i can get it to work

if you do that would be SO HELPFUL IDK WHATS GOING ON. s wack

8 Replies


TEEHEEEEEE I LOVE HIM….. all the images actually deleted idk if u saw them before but umm if not then go peek again bc I love it .. I’m at school rn so I’ll go look at the rp next chance I get but I am very excited I love these guys

Oh yeah the images all worked for me!! Very hyped to see what happens, things are super exciting rn hehe

wait can u see the images rn…

Not right now, but earlier I could? Don’t know where they went

ARGH idk how to fix it what do you do to insert pictures? I made a stash link and then clicked download on the stash and linked the image page. it appears for a bit but when I come back later it’s gone

3 Replies

Oops am dumb

BAHA no no it wasn’t obvious at all


I’m gonna be broke it’s so expensive- didn’t know ya got it as an AP lol

farf genq... what is the apocalyptic mutts world... i may be interested in stuff like that because i love apocalypse stuff

HO HO… it’s this roleplay tempesttossed started. she wanted me to make a custom design of an apocalypse themed dog and we got to talking and then it spiraled into this whole thing with quite a few people. I think it’s too late to join:(( you can ask tempest anyways though cause it’d be sick to have u grr

takes place right after a viral infection outbreak, turns dogs to mindless killers etc etc. there’s a few different people playing but my perspective is a small 12 year old dog (immune) traveling with tempest’s char Ren (infected, spreading slowly because he was bit by an only partially turned infected). they’re trying to find other survivors and eventually all of us will meet up and begin traveling together

anywayz ty for asking I could go on forever !! apocalypse crap is sooo cool augh

youre free to tell me about it!! if its too late to join idm and i dont wanna bother tempest because i dont know her well!

that sounds really interesting. i love immunity within zombie stories becuase i think the way it can affect the plot and the stories of the character a LOT.

keep telling me now!!!!!!! /nf (not forced)


that’s fair that’s fair. she has her hands full with just our members because some are having trouble writing their parts or finalizing their characters

and yeahh he wasn’t originally gonna be immune but it would work with the story so we added it:3 the virus can infect open wounds when in direct contact which is what happened to keeley’s snout. it ate away at the skin around his mouth but didn’t progress very far whereas in others it would have eventually caused them to go mad. he’s just different like that or something idk

before I even realized we would eventually be roleplaying as these characters, I created keeley as autistic and nonverbal. I am not autistic. and roleplaying a mute character?? but it was an important part of him so here I am fearing inaccuracy while writing him and finding other ways for him to express himself and communicate with ren without words LOL

I love him dearly though. hes smart and finds his way around this world:>

im such a sucker for found family so obviously ren and keeley grow closer and closer along their travels fighting off zombies

i can help with representing autism!! and nonverbal doesnt mean cant communicate, like for example he can still make noises to get peoples attention, and motion to things he want to communicate. and autistic people commonly do things like repeated actions. if hes nonverbal from autism he might be on the higher support needs side, meaning he could have comorbid epilepsy for example.

we often stim by biting our hitting ourselves, not too hard but sometimes. we spin or flap our hands or walk in circles or just do anything repetitive, we sometimes have a hard time judging tone and can react inappropriately, we might over react to changes or things we dont really like. 

god i love roleplays, especially found family, or really any focusing on a characters psyche and relationships. In zombie scenarios i love how zombies can just end up the set piece, the background, a plot driver that enables the relationships and character growth . yummy yummy. crunch crunch.

mhm!! it’s fun finding ways to communicate. mainly he uses a slate to talk and respond but I loove giving him little noises (especially since he’s a dog and I can write in other sounds we can’t do) as responses or when he’s happy etc

I try to have details in mind of what he really likes and doesn’t like. he hates feeling wet or sticky, especially on his paws, but really appreciates smooth metal textures. he doesn’t like being touched mostly because he associates it with pain, but when he’s introduced to gentle contact and he initiates it, he starts to crave it a little. tugs on his ears when he’s feeling anxious or upset. stamps his paws when he’s happy. his head twitches idly and sometimes he starts blinking hard or rapidly. I am taking suggestions for dog stimming yes. even if it’s really just me and tempest reading our rp I still really don’t want to get it wrong even though it’s inevitable BECAUSR IM NOT ON THE SPECTRUM GAH. but ty for your advice

I used to rp with my friend all the time!! usually in like online games n things. my siblings always made fun of me so eventually I stopped doing it really but fortunately now I Don’t Care so I’ve been tryin to get into it where I can even if it makes me a little anxious for some reason. we have totally taken advantage of using zombies to drive our characters together. shared interest: not dying

6 Replies

Omg keeley I want to hug keeley

he is just an innocent pupper trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse

ACTUALLYY we may be looking for more people to participate in the story if you’d be interested,, how do you feel about roleplaying and zombies and body horror

heheheHEEHEE 👁👄👁

(Me likey)

TALK TO TEMPEST TOSSED ABT IT !! I recommended u when they asked who to add<3
