Fishtail's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

owlcoholik Global Rules

Enjoy life and my work!

 Please use, trade, and resell as you like. If you can resell for more than you bought, good for you! However, please don’t mislead others on the price you originally paid. All sale prices should be recorded in the ownership log, but if the character was uploaded by someone other than me feel free to contact me for the original price. I have all the records, so don’t try to play anyone, but I’m not gonna stop you from making an extra buck. I hate the game (capitalism) not the player (you)

I’d prefer if you didn’t use my work for NFTs, crypto, or any other environmentally harmful technologies. 

Commercial use is allowed. If you make merch of a design I made you gotta send me some though. Do not reproduce my original artwork for profit, but other work that depicts the character is fine :)