TBN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


  • Credit for the design and art that initially accompanies it.
  • Only personal use
      >commercial use is paid separately. But I don't have prices for this now  

  • If the new owner does not have a Toyhouse, the character will be removed from there
       >In case of later obtaining one and uploading the adopt, you must pass the design creditis to my TH (AkakoKun_)

  • in the case of the adopt that don't belong to original species; You can redesign it as much as you like    you can change everything to suit your like;
        > hair
        > clothes
        > palette
        > add or remove things
        > all that you can think and can make you like it more
    I haven't problem with it, but the credit to me, for the original design, must be maintained

  • You can give it away,trade it or sell it
      >Please, Don't sell with at a high price that the you paid; Only can increase the price if the character have more art  
  • Only MY TOS affect my adoptables 
  •  TOS can change at any time for future adoptions.  

  • Dame el crédito por el diseño y la pieza de arte que venga con él
  • Solo para uso personal
      >El uso comercial se cobra aparte, pero aun no tengo precio para esto

  • Si el dueño no tiene ToyHouse el personaje se eliminara de ahí
       >En caso de que adquiriese uno y se subiese el personaje en el futuro, debe de pasarme el crédito por allí también (AkakoKun_)

  • En caso de no de que el adoptable no pertenezca a ninguna especie original; puedes cambiar tanto como gustes de él. Ya sea:
      >Añadir o quitar cosas
      >Cualquier otra cosa que haga te guste mas
     No tengo problema con eso, solo debe mantenerse el crédito hacia mi por el diseño original  

  • Puedes cambiarlo, regalarlo o venderlo
    >Porfavor solo no suba el precio a uno mayor al que pago; Puedes subirlo únicamente si el personaje tiene mas arte 
  • Solo MIS tos afectan a mis adoptables
  • Los tos pueden cambiar en cualquier momento para futuras adopciones