[custom] for starryevening



8 months, 15 days ago



This code was created for starryevening as part of a trade and is not for public use. Please feel free to check out my other codes!



Character Name

Character Name

Quotation here. Blah blah blah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blah :)

Here is where you can write your short summary of the character. This textbox will be justified but you can make it centred if you want.The quotation and motive boxes will grow as needed. This section will automatically expand to fill any unused space - text within is vertically centred.

These "intro sections" are based on the height of the image, so if you use one with a smaller height, it will make these smaller.

Describe the motive for murder here. motive for murder
basic information
Value for the field here
Value for the field here
Value for the field here
Value for the field here
Value for the field here
Value for the field here
Short Field
Value for the field here. If it goes onto the new line it stays in its own column.
Long Field
Value for the field here. You can write a lot more and it will go beneath the field name instead of having its own column.
Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)

Nunc molestie erat ut euismod lobortis. Sed pharetra a sem et vehicula. Phasellus nisl leo, suscipit vel pulvinar luctus, gravida sed ligula. Donec dapibus justo luctus, facilisis ex sed, vestibulum ligula. Pellentesque pharetra pharetra magna, a blandit mauris efficitur non. Praesent dapibus imperdiet egestas. Curabitur porttitor luctus libero, et feugiat dolor auctor fringilla. Vivamus et feugiat dui, in dapibus erat. Phasellus tincidunt suscipit felis. Etiam eleifend mattis lectus, sit amet pretium neque venenatis nec. Vivamus eu scelerisque dolor, dignissim varius neque. Vestibulum id nunc neque.

Nam interdum, magna eget condimentum elementum, ex ex consectetur tortor, vel volutpat est nibh quis dui. Maecenas convallis eget magna in fermentum. Morbi mattis risus non dui maximus, rutrum consequat risus volutpat. Vivamus tempus orci a faucibus consectetur. Cras blandit nec turpis vel convallis. Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis.

trait ⬩ trait ⬩ trait ⬩ trait ⬩ trait

Nam interdum, magna eget condimentum elementum, ex ex consectetur tortor, vel volutpat est nibh quis dui. Maecenas convallis eget magna in fermentum. Morbi mattis risus non dui maximus, rutrum consequat risus volutpat. Vivamus tempus orci a faucibus consectetur. Cras blandit nec turpis vel convallis. Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis.

Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)
Trivia fact :)
Cras blandit nec turpis vel convallis. Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis.
Character name relationship label

The "col-9" in the div above makes the icon for this relationship bigger. You can use this to make a "spotlighted" relationship with more focus. Or you can set it to col-10 and have them all the same size :)

Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis. Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis.

Character name relationship label
Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis. Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis.
Character name relationship label
Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis. Nam dignissim eu dolor a sagittis. Nullam viverra porta ante, nec condimentum urna scelerisque quis.