
Age: 25

Height: 5'4"

Powers: Mastery of Magnetism. Able to manipulate any metals at will. When amplified by electricity, can harness the potential of electromagnetism. Immune to electrical attacks, corrosion, chemical attacks, and magnetic counterattacks. Is weak to extreme temperatures.

In the small Italian city of Menzzo, Silvia Colombi grew up never knowing who her real parents were.

She was left as a baby on the steps of an orphanage, where she grew up until she was 6. Then, she was adopted into the Colombi family where her traumatic upbringing began.

Silvia has had strange powers of magnetism that manifested on her 7th birthday. The Colombi family consisted of two criminal parents and two brothers who were in on the family business.

Because her family were lowly thieves and vagabonds, Silvia's powers were exploited for their own gain. Instead of grabbing toys, she was grabbing heavy bars of iron with her powers to break people out of the prisons. Instead of birthdays with her friends and loved ones, she spent her birthdays alone in a specialized cell, experimented on by the researchers who discovered her abilities.

Instead of songs and schooling for the young girl to learn and experience, she was forced to enhance her powers for years on end under this shady organization. Soon, as a teenager, she became a mercenary under their command. If she failed to follow their orders, the orphanage she had grown up in, along with her foster family, would be slaughtered. In effect, this made her a ruthless and effective killer, hell-bent on protecting the only people and place that ever showed her love and affection.

As the years went on, however, they began to fear her growing power. She had become stronger then she's ever been, an unstoppable assassin of the Menzzo underground...

Finally, for her last mission, she was given a mystery target to enter in blind...a last true test before she finally earned her freedom.

A twisted 18th birthday gift by the organization.

Desperate to leave once and for all, she accepted the stipulation. Using her acute perception of metals all around her, she headed into the target area and immediately sliced every individual inside the factory she was sent to. voice out of the many that cried out made her stop. It was Signora Maria, the old woman who had taken care of Silvia when she was just a little girl.

Taking her blindfold off, Silvia quickly saw that she had murdered every single person from the orphanage she was from, as the old woman bled out in her arms. Filled with despair and guilt, Silvia wailed in horror at what she had done.

Lost in her grief, she didn't hear the click of the gun behind her, as the bang of the weapon echoed throughout the room.

Leaving her for dead, the group set the factory ablaze, as it exploded in a great ball of fire...erasing all evidence of this crime.

But Silvia survived...taking on an armored form to protect her from the debris and the flames...

When she emerged out of the rubble, she was driven by her desire for vengeance and methodically hunted down and exterminated the very clandestine organization who tormented her as a new identity...


(After killing her captors, she continues her old family's tradition of crime and thievery to build her way up to complete control of the city of Menzzo, now leading a gang of misfit supervillains to terrorize and dominate the innocents of her city.)