


6 years, 3 days ago


Alias: Nimbus

Pronouns: They/them

Age: 19

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 163 lbs

Personal Quote: “Why stop at a silver lining? Winners always go for gold!”

Nimbus is the "go with the flow" type. They give off tremendous big sister vibes - and seem to be pretty chill, they give off a laid back and unfazed vibe. They're pretty easily excited by frightening or intriguing things, and they'll often always very up front with their enthusiasm. They always try to turn things into an adventure. Nimbus also calls people "bro" or "dude" a lot, except using for those younger than them. They're kind of bad with teamwork though. Not great at following orders, and tend to do things off on their own. But they're pretty understanding and reasonable. Nimbus also really loves dares - often daring to do outlandish and wild things that others wouldn't probably do. They also tend to hold pretty strong opinions of everyone and everything. It isn't impossible to get back onto their good side, but they won't ever forget.