Nerrev Colume



9 months, 20 days ago


  • Nerrev Colume

  • Nickname[s] Nev
  • Age 12 Solar Sweeps / ~25 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Orientation Asexual Aromantic
  • Height 6'0
  • Blood Colour Blue
  • Trolltag beadDazzle
  • Symbol Meaning Protection Against Spirits
  • Lusus Dove
  • Strife Specibus Unallocated
  • Occupation Jewellery Maker
  • Residency Block 136

♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a


Nerrev is a troll of mystery. He hails from a place that is very far away, and seems to be happy to be able to visit Alternia and live in the bustling city of Block 136. He discloses very little information about himself apart from the fact that he is a jewellery maker, and loves Starbucks coffee. Nerrev is polite and friendly towards all trolls, but is also very skittish in social situations and seems to be constantly anxious. While it may take him some time to adjust to interacting with trolls, he is always trying his best.


► Jewellery Making
► Coffee


Nerrev is someone who wants to appear as likeable and as normal as possible. He is polite and friendly towards others, no matter their caste, and tries to stay out of trouble as much as possible. At the same time, however, he is so obsessed with maintaining this image that he tries a little too hard to be normal. He seems to know the societal standards of Alternia, but is going through the motions rather than truly understanding them.

He is simultaneously very secretive but also quite impulsive, and seems to inconsistently flipflop between the two states depending on his anxiety levels. There are some personal details he absolutely will not budge on, but when asked a question that he may not have been able to predict may blurt out an answer on the spot. He is quite the anxious individual, and can be prone to stressing when introduced to new scenarios. He tends to pause a lot when speaking, and watches people closely to gauge their reactions, seemingly suspicious of them. It is difficult for him to relax around others, and it is not uncommon to see him freeze up completely.

Nerrev also appears to be indecisive at times, as evident by the fact that he has yet to assign himself a strife specibus, typing quirk, and modus despite being well into his adulthood. He claims that he just doesn't want to lock himself into a single choice, and nothing has really felt 'right' for him.

Psiionics and Abilities

Nerrev has a very straightforward psiionic in the form of Nullification. All psiionic abilities and chucklevoodoos, passive and active, cease functioning when within his immediate vicinity. The radius of his nullification is very small, but this ability is constantly active.

Additionally, Nerrev is a mage of average aptitude, and his magical energy can be sensed by other mages. He claims that his domain is Light Magic, however he is reluctant to show it off. He relies on a magical compact mirror to cast spells, but he always seems to have misplaced it.


Nerrev was hatched and raised in a far away location, of which he will not disclose. His lusus, a dove, looked after him until recently, and has now moved on to look after a new charge. Nerrev liked his lusus, but understood that it wasn't necessary for it to follow him into adulthood when it has a bloodline to raise.

He moved to Block 136 recently with the help of an anonymous friend.

All other information is considered classified, and Nerrev is not willing to elaborate.



► The gradient in his eyes is due to his psiionics.
► The circuitry pattern under his eye is a tattoo, but he cannot recall why he got it.
► He likes wearing light colours, and seemingly doesn't care that this goes against regular fashion trends.
► He seems to only own a single outfit.
► He is never seen without his gloves.


► He doesn't like to be touched or stared at.
► Similarly, he doesn't like getting his photo taken, and will politely duck away from any phones.
► He tends to pause a lot whenever he is asked any questions about himself, almost as if he either can't recall the answer or is making up responses as he goes.
► He claims to have a lot of personal information that he will not divulge in.

Hobbies and Favourite Things

► He collects gemstones to use for his jewellery making. He likes blue gems like sapphires, aquamarines, and lapis lazuli a lot.
► He really likes Starbucks because it reminds him of where he used to live. He visits coffee shops a lot, and likes all the limited edition or seasonal drinks.
► His favourite foods are salmon, broccoli, and anything with miso.
► He still has yet to allocate a strife specibus, as he never decided what weapon to specialise in.


► This is personal information.


[ Friend ] Nerrev's friend who wishes to remain anonymous. Nerrev owes a lot to him.

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