


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Hannah Johnson










blurred-smoke-on-black-background_23-214~ Personality ~

Often getting into fights because of her 'thirst for action' and fighting off anyone who looks at her funny, she has/had a reputation back in the school days. She loves attention, sometimes craves it, so she makes it so she keeps certain things to herself while thinking that others would try to guess. She is usually overconfident and prefers action before talking. She is easily bored and can be mischieous and trick and tease others to test their patients.

~ Powers ~

Umbrakinesis: Can manipulate the darkness/shadows and can even construct items, shields, or weapons when wanted; most of the weapons/shields have spikes or have sharp edges and she likes to be creative with them. If need to escape to travel without being noticed she can travel through shadows, however, shadow travel would be a lot harder when there is lots of light and traveling long distances takes up a bunch of energy, but short distances not so much. She can absorb dissipate shadows, and if needed to hide, she can use shadows to cover oneself in darkness to become invisible in the shadows. Of course, she can see in the darkness even when others cannot. When powered up, she can manipulate herself to look like a large wolf-like creature made of shadows with sharp teeth, however thats only for a short amount of time before she could lose her energy and possibly faint.

~ Appearance ~

Standing at around 5’6” and usually wearing casual, dull-colored clothes, she usually has her long dark hair up in a ef73f291d461eca7b3cad448bd95d88a.jpgponytail or bun so it doesn't get in the way. Most of the time she wears a hooded jacket or shirt of some sorts. Her normal eye color is brown and her “calm” face looks more tired with the dark under her eyes. When about to fight, her eyes have a dark shade of red to them. Normally she has some sort of injury to her (ie. bandaged arms or band-aids on scratches). If fighting at night alone, she uses her hooded sweater to cover and manipulate herself to look like she's wearing a dark mask. 

Likes: Her dog (Bear), sweets, attention, fighting, and her brother.

Dislikes: Salty foods, light, staying in the same spot.

Weaknesses: Can't swim well, sunlight makes her ability lots harder to use, easily angered, if used too much power she could faint out of exhaustion or possibly die.

Build: Lean, skinny and built figure

Any additional details: When using her powers too much, her eyes have a shade of red to them. Her power slowly consumes her sanity and she gets more violent over time