
1 year, 1 month ago



  • Name Fire Breath Potion
  • Nickname Fire
  • Age 20
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her, It/Its
  • Sexuality LESBIAN!!!

A silly, extroverted phighter. She's cocky and a little stupid, always getting herself into some kind of trouble. All of her burn marks are from herself, either from accidently getting in the way of her own breath, or from spilling or being in the splash of her explosives (totally not just fire breath potions). She's origionally from Playground, but she went neutral so she could live in Blackrock. She prefers the cold and doesn't want to be in a place where everything is flammable.

Regardless of not wanting to be in the presence of anything that can be set on fire, she's in a relationship with Vinestaff. They love eachother very much. Lesbians. She wishes to get their own house and live together, and potentially have a kid one day, adopted or not.


  • The cold
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Vinestaff
  • Boombox (hes pretty cool)
  • Spicy food


  • Ironically, the heat
  • Heights
  • Subspace
  • Ban Hammer
  • Fucking. Birds.


  • Reading
  • Making things out of snow (as well as she can, anyway)
  • Gardening with Vinestaff


  • Four horns, two giant ones and two small side ones
  • Small fangs
  • One of her eyes has been burned and blinded, and the rest of her body is covered in burn scars.


  • Cocky and full of hubris
  • Has a short fuse and her emotions can easily get out of hand
  • Not that bright tbh
  • Can't control her abilities well


  • She's pretty good at gardening, thanks to Vinestaff
  • She's actually alergic to pollen. She doesn't let that stop her from kissing Vinestaff and imidiately dying.
  • She has ornithophobia (the fear of birds)


  • Eyes Black
  • Marks A burn over her right eye, burns all around her mouth, all over her arms, all of her fingers and most of her hands, and burns splotted all over her legs.
  • Height 5'6"
  • Clothing Light and airy. doesnt want too much heat. her jeans do count they already have enough holes in them to be airy

She wears a red t-shirt with a yellow sash of explosive potions over it, and she has yellow shoes and fingertip-less gloves. Her jeans are bright orange and burnt, with many holes revealing burn scars across each leg. She wears yellow goggles to protect her eyes from her fire.


She first was assigned to Playground, having to be extremely careful with her fire due to all the foliage everywhere. When she learned about how much colder and less flammable Blackrock was, she set herself a goal to live there instead. After she scrounged up enough bux, she became factionless and moved to a secluded little cottage in the mountains of Blackrock.

At some point, she accidently spilled one of her explosives and burned her eye out. Now she wears her goggles all the time. Most of her other burns are because of the same reason. She is not that bright.

She was interested in Phighting for a while, and managed to get in. dont ask me how im not saying. its MY lore and i get to put in what I want. Anyway. She quickly became friends with Sling and therefore the rest of his friends between matches. Overtime, she slowly developed a little crush on Vinestaff.

now theyre in a relationship . i dont know . she hasnt told me .


  • M1: A basic fire punch, and hits five times before stopping like Katanas M1. Slows enemies down a little. If she gets a 5 hit combo on someone in a 20 second span then they get inflicted with burn.
  • M2: A cone(?) of her fire breath. Takes a seconds to charge but does quite a bit of damage. Inflicts burn and slowness.
  • E: She throws one of her explosive potions from her sash. She gets four of them each life. The explosion lingers for a few seconds before disipating. Inflicts burn if someone touches it and the initial explosion does knockback aswell.
  • Q: A dash foreward. If she runs into someone during it, they get hit with knockback and get burned and stunned for a little.
  • Phinisher: A giant explosion. Inflics burn and stun, and damage scales depending on how close someone is to her.
  • --Heat Meter: The more she uses her attacks, the higher the meter goes. The more the meter is filled, the stronger her attacks are, and the longer that burn is inflicted. The downside is that she becomes much more squishier, her health and shield cap going down with more heat. Her phinisher is also affected by the heat meter, the size of the explosion scaling with how much heat she has.


  • Relationship Romantic


they love eachother very much. so gay s . i dont know what else to put here. theyre so silly. lesbian flag for real .


  • Relationship Platonic

yeah they're pretty good friends. chaotic energy squared. they like messing with boombox, naturally.



  • Relationship Platonic

She knows him through slinghsot. They hang out between matches. Her and slingshit mess with him lmao. play all i want for christmas is you.


  • Relationship Platonic

yeah they know eachother . i wonder why. anyway. she feeds him bugs she finds, even though vinestaff tells her to not.