Tulip Tree



6 years, 11 days ago


Full Name: Tulip Tree Tally

Nickname / Code Name: Tree, nerd, freak, dork

Gender: Male

Species: Pony, earth

Age: 16

Birthday: May 21, 2002

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsoChfAny6I

Weapon of Choice: None

Label: Nerd, geek, weird, freak, tree-hugger

Cliques / Clubs: None

Sexual Preference: Bisexual 

Family: Not spoken of much

Crush: Paint Mane

Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Gender-neutral Chibi-thing: None

Children: None yet

Friends: Viola

Pets: One doggo, Bernese Mountain Dog, named Princess 


            Hair: Bright aqua blue with lime green tips

            Eyes: Light peachy orange 

            Skin tone: Fur, very light yellow

            Height: 4.1

            Build: Small and a tiny bit chubby

            Birthmarks/Freckles/Scars: None

            Other: Cutie mark; tulip tree flower

Fashion Sense / Dress Style: A brown bow tie 

Personality: Shy, kind, to trusting, obedient, thoughtful

Likes: Tree, flowers, out doors, nature, caring people, his dog, home, bees

Dislikes: Wasps, beer, swimming, makeup

Strengths: He can be very kind and helpful to other, being a teachers' pet

Weaknesses: He is a huge push-over and gets himself hurt when trusting the wrong people

Habits: None

Interests: Botnay, plants, bee keeping

Talents / Skills: Raising rare and healthy plants

Trades / Aspiration: None

Brief History of School Experience: He has often been bullied and told he's ugly, some making fun of his hair or his weight. He has had a crush on Paint Mane sense he was in 1st grade but is too shy to tell her.

Other / Other Facts: He is controlled by Silver Bramble after saying he'd do almost anything to get the attention of Paint Mane. This leads to him being used as a slave for Silver Bramble but slowly falling in love with him, seeing that he's not has bad as he act. 


            Art: Here and here - https://thedeviltrain.deviantart.com/

            Writing: Work in progress, not posted

            Roleplay: NOPE