

9 months, 14 hours ago



A black, lithe-framed she-cat with pale, gray eyes, a sleek dark pelt and a long, plummed tail.

Oh, how I miss the comfort of this home.

| nomenclature

prefix - star-like/related patterns in her pelt
suffix - her loving and confident personality

| age


| birth season


| gender

she-cat | she/her

| orientation


| birthplace

luminary of stars

| loyalty


| rank

hunter & combantant

| theme

buy the stars - marina and the diamonds


Born to the spiritual group, Luminary of Stars and later moved to Coastalclan, Solaritepurr is known to be their greatest warrior. Like a few of her clanmates, she owns multiple roles and holds the best representation for Coastalclan’s young. She has three kits herself, Cometstar, Nightbloom and Moondustwonder, who are now of high ranking and looking after Coastalclan in their own way. She currently spends her days as a senior warrior, preparing for her retirement with her loving mate, although she is far from ready.

I'd steal the stars, just for you.


Solaritepurr is a loving and relaxed cat who’s known for being Coastalclan’s best warrior, in which she carries this title proudly. A very skilled she-cat who knows what she stands for and isn’t afraid to stand for it. She’s incredibly witty and will crack jokes when she deems necessary, although she can read the room. Her abilities seem to have no limit, this was proven to be true each time a kit of hers or another was in trouble, she goes beyond what's possible to get them back and this takes every clan by surprise.

  • Likes
    • Hunting
    • Gatherings
    • Kits
    • Stars
  • Dislikes
    • Luminary of Stars
    • Rival clans
    • Cold weather
    • Twolegs








s. pow









  • Father: N/A
  • Mother: Crescentmoon
  • Siblings: Tarantulaclaw
  • Mate: Unnamed
  • Kit: Cometstar, Nightbloom, Moondustwonder


Born to be a star-reader in Luminary of Stars, now living happily as a warrior in Coastalclan with her family, wondering daily where her mother has ended up. [Continue]

{ star-reading }

Solarite was born to Crescentmoon in the cave of Luminary of Stars and was raised to be a star-reader. During these days as a star reading apprentice, she was disheartened by her role due to the stress and weight she carried by the elders and thankfully, Crescentmoon saw this clearly. An emergency was called across clan territories and this required Crescentmoon's presence, as their most skilled keeper, in which she happily brought Solarite along for more knowledge. Reaching their destination, Crescentmoon and Solarite looked after the cats by the coast, and Solarite was beyond happy there. She enjoyed the way these cats lived and how things were done, she even formed an attachment with another one of the queens and her kits. Once their work was done, Crescentmoon let Solarite remain there where she seemed happiest, and while Solarite was truly happy, she wanted her mother more than anything else. Crescentmoon's only wish was for her daughter to be happy, so she promised to return someday and stay with her. Unfortunately, Crescentmoon never returned, Solarite heard nothing from her, but she refused to believe she abandoned her, something told her she would never but she was still left broken.

{ in a new, loving home }

Solarite was raised by another Coastalclan queen up until she was six moons, then becoming Solaritepaw and training to be a combatant. She left behind all training that dealt with the stars from that point and focused on mainly being the best warrior she can be. She trained alongside a cat she's gotten along with, Stagpaw and her foster sister, Solarpaw. She easily grew into a skilled and confident warrior, earning her warrior name, Solaritepurr with Stagwatch and Solargale. During her days as an early combatant, she encountered a tom where they instantly formed a mutual attachment, spending almost every day with him and accompanying each other on patrols. As predicted, they became mates and were practically inseparable.

{ a disaster brings happy endings }

A diaster strikes Coastalclan, a raging storm that grows to be a devastating flood. At this point, Solaritepurr is currently expecting kits and not far long. She finds herself lost and away from her clan who has fled. With nothing to find them with, she is left stranded and alone. She encounters the now relocated home of Luminary of Stars, where, unfortunately, Crescentmoon is nowhere to be found. She stays with them and they look after her, much to her dismay, up until she gives birth. She has a litter of three kits, two toms and a she-kit, who she names Cometkit, Nightkit and Moondustkit. She doesn't want to stay much longer but they insist they stay until the kits are able to move around on their on. Two moons later, Solaritepurr is urgent to leave and return home but the elders attempt to keep both she and her only daughter there, as Moondustkit seems to possess an ability. Solaritepurr refuses but is later convinced (guilt-tripped) into leaving her there. She promises to reunite with the she-kit again, and she is determined to fullfil it, before she and her sons depart. She returns to Coastalclan and is reunited with her mate, friends and family, who are more than happy to find her and her kits safe. Her sons are apprenticed and are later on, made full warriors, given the names Cometchaser and Nightbloom. Moondustkit, now Moondustwonder, is returned home as a skillful herbalist with her mate, Sweetsun, and Solaritepurr is beyond elated to see her. Solaritepurr spends her days happily in a loving camp, where Cometchaser has become leader, making Nightbloom his deputy and Moondustwonder becoming Coastalclan's official herbalist.



loyal and devoted

Coastalclan is her family, she was raised with some of the cats there and now they're all very important parts of her life. She is loyal to Coastalclan and Coastalclan only, she's raised her kits to be the same. She has no plans to leaving Coastalclan and is happy where she is.

Stagwatch . [ Best Friend ] Her partner in crime, they do almost everything together. Their personalities form the perfect dynamic. From apprenticesship up to young warriors, they were menaces and always got in trouble, but they never had a bad time. Once Solaritepurr introduced them to her kits, she always made him babysit but he never put up a fight.

Solargale . [ Sister ] Although they're not blood related, they consider each other to be sisters. Solaritepurr was raised by Solargale's mother, in which she was Solarkit at the time. Solarkit formed an attachment to her new sister instantly, delighted to have a sibling. As they grew, they were also inseparable. They both became queens around the same time and looked after one another's kits.

Placeholder . [ Mate ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.


  • She was always gentle with kits, even before she had her own.
  • She is considered to be very attractive among clans.
  • But even then, she's only faithful to her mate.
  • She never fully forgot about her star-reading, and puts her knowledge to use occasionally.
  • The older she gets, the more time she spends in camp doing denwork.
  • At gatherings, she likes to show off her kits and brag about them..

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