Nori Enyo



9 months, 17 days ago


Nori Enyo

70101272_tt3.png HP 30%
Attack 10%
Defense 5%
Speed 70%
Dexterity 30%
Intellect 40%
Charisma 100%
Swimming 100%


NAME Nori Enyo
Pronounciation Nor-Ee En-Yoh
Age 23
Gender Female
Job Run-Away Princess
Race Koi Fish
Classes White Mage
Alignment Good
Height 4'6"
Build Dainty
Demeanor Shy, Nervous
Profession Warrior of Light
HTML Pinky

"I-I'm the princess of the koi people.. Please treat me with respect.."

  • Cuddling
  • Reading
  • Water
  • Swimming
  • Being Dry Too Long
  • Being Kept Waiting
  • Loneliness
  • Cockiness


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Highly Skilled in Water Magic

Princess of the Koi

Thinks things through

Easy to Talk To


Kind of Stupid


Relies too much on water magic

Too Submissive

Skills & Abilities

Nori being a princess of the koi has immense swimming speed and thrives in water. She has gills located under her horns that allow her to breathe underwater.

Being koi royalty Nori has been granted access to an ancient technique where she can transform into a full fish form, forgoing her human form to become a regal looking koi fish.

Water Magic
Being from the koi kingdom she was taught how to wield water based magic, applying this to healing and some occasional offensive magic.


Coral Staff [ Weapons ]
Nori carries around a staff made of coral that she acquired from her kingdom before she abandoned her duty as a princess and fled the kingdom.

Coral Charm [ Weapon ]
A sign of her royalty, this small coral charm takes the palce of a heart made of coral, with a small diamond embedded in the centre.

Clothes [ Fashion ]
These silky and gentle robes were the only pair of clothes Nori took on her journey out from the kingdom. They fit her body nicely and allow some flowing. When they get submerged in water they retract into her coral charm.

Description and Backstory


Nori is a cute and posh princess. She tends to take things at face value but is hard to offend. She cares deeply for her kingdom but fled it due to the overwhelming responsibilities of being the princess, and especially one born with the whirlpool eyes.

Backstory Preview

Nori is the princess of the koi people located in a hidden underwater kingdom located deep within a roaring whirlpool. Once every years it's said a princess is born with whirlpools for eyes. Nori is this princess. The third to ever exist. The prophecy says this "whirlpool maiden" is meant to protect the kingdom from an upcoming disaster and is granted immense power in water magic. All the pressure on top of her cracked her, the duties of being a princess and the chosen one was too much, so she fled.


Nori currently works at a cafe serving up customers in shirogane, far away from her home kingdom. She takes her job seriously and enjoys pleasing and meeting new people.

Relationships (WIP)



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.